UITF Meeting - March 18, 2016

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Evaluate the Accelerator wrt the beam requirements for HDIce.

1. Beam Optics - Can UITF deliver the beam HDIce needs
2. Are there sufficient diagnostic devices to aid in beam delivery?
3. Given the low CW beam current, what devices or what process can ensure that the beam is at the intended place on the target?
4. Given the sensitivity of HDIce target to > nA beam for any length of  time (msecs), are there possible measures to protect the target?


Advance Material

UITF Description
HDIce Beam Requirements
UITF mechanical layout
UITF Optics


(M. Poelker) UITF Overview and timeline
(TBD) HDIce description
(TBD) Mechanical Layout of the entire beamline
(TBD) Diagnostic devices, beam dumps, spectrometers
(J. Grames) 200 keV and 10 MeV Optics
(J. Hansknecht) High Voltage and Laser Systems
(TBD) Machine protection

Reviewer Summary and Recommendations