Weekly phone call - Feb 28, 2020

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Meeting Info

We will meet Friday @ 1pm in TL-2221.
Meeting ID: 383664133# 
Moderator Passcode: 2864
Meeting URL (for video and/or audio call in): http://bluejeans.com/383664133
Phone number (for audio call in): 1-888-240-2560


This is the pressure vs. distance profile for my first try at vacuum simulation for the gun through the anode and into the y chamber, with about 3-5% CO, no methane, the rest is H2. The pressure in mbar is 2.5e-12 mbar, or 1.8e-12 Torr in the simulation. I have a scale factor included in the spreadsheet to adjust for the pressure measured, which is ~8.5e-12 Torr.

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