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Relief Valve Instrumentation/Protected Zones (CTF Complete)
Relief Valve Instrumentation/Protected Zones (CTF Complete)
-Schedule service of two to six relief valves during shutdown. Plan for addressing all relief valves developed, RV2081, RV2420, RV2440 Ready for this shutdown, Address the relief valves on the Bayonet Cans.  
-Schedule service of two to six relief valves during shutdown. Plan for addressing all relief valves developed, RV2081, RV2420, RV2440 Ready for this shutdown, Address the relief valves on the Bayonet Cans.
Pressure test the spools.  
-Continue to the other plants.  
-Continue to the other plants.  
Liquid Level Indicator determined to go on the coalescer. Develop a drawing and plan.  
Liquid Level Indicator determined to go on the coalescer. Develop a drawing and plan.
--Planned modified to go on the coalescer and the BOS. 
CHL Recovery Compressor Header Redesign
CHL Recovery Compressor Header Redesign

Revision as of 12:21, 23 February 2017

Sight Glass Assembly Installation at Kinney Pump - Received needs to be cut.

Addressing EV245RT Leak.

Install the C.V. on C9

LCLS II Spreader Analysis (Complete), Start White Paper (Complete), Comment Adjudication (Complete), Incorporate Comments and Develop Final Draft(Complete)

Relief Valve Instrumentation/Protected Zones (CTF Complete)

-Schedule service of two to six relief valves during shutdown. Plan for addressing all relief valves developed, RV2081, RV2420, RV2440 Ready for this shutdown, Address the relief valves on the Bayonet Cans.

Pressure test the spools.

-Continue to the other plants.

Liquid Level Indicator determined to go on the coalescer. Develop a drawing and plan.

--Planned modified to go on the coalescer and the BOS.  

CHL Recovery Compressor Header Redesign

CTF Warm-Up/Cool Down (Complete-Review Thilan's plan)-Complete

Kinney Water Line Leak-Complete

Relief Valves to Replace at CTF (Complete)

CTF Recovery Compressor C4 and C6 P&I

Develop CTF Document - Ongoing

CTF Spreadsheets - Ongoing - Get with Bill about full startup after power outage

Dunham-Bush Check Valve Hinge Installation Verification (Complete)

Recovery Compressor Pipe Analysis (Complete)