Meeting - Aug 10, 2017

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Attenders: Kelly Dixon, Thilan Wijeration, Robert Norton, Sasa Radovic, Scott Thompson, Mark Stapleton, Shirley Yang

Several issues were discussed during this meeting

   1. Kinney # 2 contamination issue. Check with Jonathan Creel to understand why the contamination issue needs to be solved before the relocation. If yes, need to figure
      out the manpower and plan.
   2. Robert Norton is in charge of the disconnection, documentation of the disconnection and rewire the electric panels of the Kinney system.
   3. Sasa / Robert need to be notified several days ahead before starting the relocation of the Kinney #2 system to arrange the electric work.
   4. Mark Stapleton needs to be notified several days ahead before starting the relocation of the Kinney #2 system to mechanically disconnect the Kinney #2 system and 
      clean out oil from the ring pump and knock oil tank. 
   5. The date of the relocation of the Kinney #2 system depends on the progress of the cooling water piping installation at this point.(contamination could be an issue  
      if it requires to be solved before the relocation). The finish date of the planned piping system needs to be confirmed. 
   6. Once the relocation date is determined, it will be communicated to the SRF so to find the open window to work on the suction and discharge tie-ins of the new piping 
      system to the existing system. 3 days down time is estimated.
   7. 3-week interval was originally budgeted between the relocation of the Kinney #2 system and the Kinney #1 system. 4-week seems more realistic now. It seems that the
      relocation of the Kinney #1 system won't happen in this fiscal year.