Meeting Oct 3, 2016
Creel, Dixon, Arenius, Bevins, Scanlon
Agenda and Notes
1. Manpower
JLAB management held up contractor extensions and some personnel have been sent home until its worked out. Will has a meeting with Mont and Allison this afternoon at 3pm to work out the issues. JLAB management wants to know if we can move staff designers off of other things on to the jobs being worked by the contractors.
2. Recovery Compressor and Guard Vacuum Skid Fabrication
The agreement is to build the compressors and vacuum skid as if they would be installed here at JLAB. This means Mike Embler would perform weld inspections. We must complete an estimate for fabricating two recovery compressors by Friday.
3. 2K Cold Box Step File
Mike Bevins has passed on a request from Preble for a copy of the latest STEP file. We did not see a problem as long as it was tagged as JLAB intellectual property.
Action Items
1. Will to attend Mont/Allison meeting at 330 and then update members on status. 2. These delays are effecting work progress on $1B project at a rate of day for day slippage.