11/10/2016 Meeting

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Revision as of 09:15, 10 November 2016 by Creel (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda and Notes)
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Thompson, Creel, Dixon, Oren, Michalski, Arenius

Wright doing utubes on 2L07

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations


Magnet power supply repaired.

A warm window on 2L06 failed and required utubes to support repairs. 2L07 also ingested air into the beam line and now requires cryo cycling

The test plan to raise pressure in the linac failed on the first step and pressure was again lowered.


Old recovery C8 was removed and new C7 was installed yesterday. Piping and electrical work is expected to take about another week.




Hall C SHMS Q2 utubes installed yesterday. Cooldown will start today.


Plant operating normally.


Plant operating normally.

2. Projects


Warm return VJ line section above cryomodule should be installed by COB Friday. Vacuum pump tie in was completed last week.


2K Cold Box design work shifted over to Michael. Contractor on site installing cold box tie ins and platforms.


Installation work for the cryo plant was officially moved to the SLAC team. The team is currently evaluating the bids on some of the utility support equipment. Bayonets etc. are complete and we are going to ship them to PHPK as soon as possible. Dana will advise when paperwork is done. The recovery compressor parts purchasing is underway. Work has begun on the frames.

LCLS2 safety people are visiting next week to ask questions on safety related items such as ODH, pressure systems, etc.

3. Manpower

The new EE regular employee and ECAD contract employee started on Nov 1.

We had an interview with Dr. Wang.

4. Info from Will

1. Appraisals and new expectations

2. Watch spending on OPS and ENG accounts. Try to keep spending to critical "stop work" items.

4. Other

Gave STEM talks with LN2 demonstrations to three high school science classes this week.

Action Items

1. Must keep meeting to no more than 30 minutes

Action Item Updates