12/01/2016 Meeting
Thompson, Creel, Dixon, Wright, Oren, Michalski, Arenius
Agenda and Notes
1. Operations
Beam off was officially moved to 8am 21 December.
Separator cavity had an air leak. They will not complete repairs and re installation until after the holidays.
Fabrication continues on C8.
6/1/2016: cbx trip (camac failure) 6/7/2016: cbx trip (camac failure) 7/13/2016: entire plant trip (fuse out of retainer) 8/11/2016: cbx trip (trip occurred while replacing faulty card) 8/15/2016: cbx trip (faulty power supply) 9/20/2016: faulty pressure and temperature signals (card replaced, caused alarms in halls) 11/13/2016: cbx trip (crate controller failure) 11/26/2016: hall a beam trip (crate 1 failure caused cbx instability)
Paul Brendza reported
Today Q2 reached 1500 Amps.
We have spent the last several days trouble shooting the Q2 instrumentation and today all the pieces finally came together.
The Q2 coil is very well centered with the measured force increase at 1500 Amps only 3 KiloNewtons on top of 44 Kilo Newtons. This predicts an increase of about 30 KN at max current so support rod adjustment may be unnecessary. The max force limit set by SigmaPhi is 168 KN.
Everything else looks normal.
We still have more fine tuning of the controls to do but we are going home happy tonight.
We plan to advance the testing to 2000 Amps this week.
Next week we will be occupied with the arrival of the Q3 which is now in Newark NJ. We have to dismantle the Q3 yoke, receive the Q3, install and measure cryostat fiducials, install the Q3, re-assemble the yoke and align the Q3 to its yoke. Q2 testing cannot take place during these operations and we would like to have a SigmaPhi engineer here.
Q2 testing will resume on or about Dec 12th with the goal to complete prior to the Holiday shutdown.
The two dipole splices are complete as of about 5:30 PM today.
2. Projects
Michael continues working on the 2K CB shell details for the RFP. FRIB is going to start pressure testing in January 17 so we need to complete the pressure systems paperwork. They are deleting the cross over line. Not enough details exist to complete the design of the transferline for their magnets so we will terminate at expansion cans and they can design and fabricate utubes later. This reduces our scope of work which reduces funding coverage. FRIB wants to start compressors in March 17.
Installation work for the cryo plant was officially moved to the SLAC team. The team is currently evaluating the bids on some of the utility support equipment. Bayonets etc. are complete and we are going to ship them to PHPK as soon as possible. Dana will advise when paperwork is done. The recovery compressor parts purchasing is underway. Work has begun on the frames.
LCLS2 safety people visited this week asking questions on safety related items such as ODH, pressure systems, and readiness reviews. They also requested information on engineering standards used in design, seismic design standards, tours.
4.5K CB Directors Review. AL/PHPK was trying to explain the schedule delays. One factor was the iterative nature of the seismic design calculations and the lack of time in their schedule to cover performing this work before materials could be ordered. Reviewers were not satisfied and might have another review.
3. Manpower
The new EE regular employee and ECAD contract employee started on Nov 1. They are currently working on both LCLS2 and UIM.
4. Info from Will
1. Watch spending on OPS and ENG accounts. Try to keep spending to critical "stop work" items.
2. We will likely be on continuing resolution for the full FY all the way until FY18
3. We will run up to the holidays but when we restart is up for debate
4. Other
Action Items
1. Must keep meeting to no more than 30 minutes
2. Finish appraisals
Action Item Updates