01/27/2017 Meeting

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Thompson, Creel, Dixon, Michalski, Oren, Arenius

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations


MCC and SRF and RF working to understand heat and Q values. They have been doing some studies to gather data.



AL/S2M have reported an alignment problem with the CC4 shaft repair. We are gathering information and brainstorming.





Transferline valve CAMAC issue has been resolved.

Issue reported with T2 not spinning down correctly following a trip. We have met and reviewed graphs and discussed possibilities for why the turbine inlet valve is no longer sealing. We have a plan to schedule a date to operate using the transferline, shutdown T2, warm it up, and check the operation and seating force of the inlet valve. If the soft goods are failing it would require a plant warm up to repair. We will reaccess after the warm up and adjustments are tested.



Kinney #2 ring pump spun a bearing. The ring pump has been moved to the repair facility in Chesapeake. There is no spare Kinney at CTF until it returns.

The LCLS2 cryomodule is under test.



Solenoid is ramping up to receive beam.

2. Projects


Shutdown scheduled for Feb 17. We are finalizing the detailed daily work plan.


Possible space conflict between electrical conduits and mechanical for LN2 subcooler. Conduits with wires are already installed and supporting control system. Chris is investigating.


Working to accumulate the pressure systems documentation. Concerns over information sharing.


Cold compressor review in France went well. Only real surprise was the seismic results forced the manufacturer to increase the thickness of the base plates. Smith Group is an A&E firm to help SLAC put together the installation package. SLAC will not be able to get an installation contract in place until ~Sep even though equipment begins arriving in Apr.

3. Manpower

New engineer arriving early Feb. He will work 50% of his time on EI&C for LCLS2 and remainder on OPS.

4. Info from Will

1. LN2 contract proposals are in.

2. Will has asked Mat to put in PR for nitrogen through June.

5. Other

Action Items

1. Must keep meeting to no more than 30 minutes


Action Item Updates
