02/09/2017 Meeting

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Thompson, Creel, Dixon, Michalski, Oren,

Arenius is on his way back from Ohio

Agenda and Notes

1. Operations




No additional problems from SC1 CC1 mag bearing cabinet. This series of events cost us 16 hours of DT.



One unplanned event resulted in T7 shutdown. Restart went fine.


One unplanned event where system balancing at high load resulted in a T2 trip. Restart resulted in T1, T2, and first stage compressor.

One planned event to allow Hall C to switch utube configuration. Two day recovery.

Halls are using more than the maximum capacity of the ESR. Use of the transerline is dependent on the issues at CHl1. There was a Directors Review report a number of years ago that deals with this issue.



The cryomodule was warmed up and utubes were pulled on Sunday. A few hours later the power outages began. Expander 2A suffered a bearing failure and had to have a flywheel change.



Compressor was accidentally shutdown by maintenance tech. Unit was restarted quickly so cold box did not trip. The feed forward safety signal between the HDR PLC and the magnet PLC told the solenoid to ramp down just in case.

2. Projects


Shutdown scheduled for Feb 17. We are finalizing the detailed daily work plan.


Thermosiphon drawings out for approval.


Working to accumulate the pressure systems documentation.


Cold compressor review in France went well. Only real surprise was the seismic results forced the manufacturer to increase the thickness of the base plates. Smith Group is an A&E firm to help SLAC put together the installation package. SLAC will not be able to get an installation contract in place until ~Sep even though equipment begins arriving in Apr.


Review went fine. They are still interested in a collaboration

3. Manpower

New engineer arriving next week. He will work 75% of his time on EI&C for LCLS2 and remainder on ESR2. We have a space for him. I will check on computer.

4. Info from Will

1. LN2 contract proposals are in and have been routed to DOE for approval.

2. New director starts Apr 3.

3. Let Will know if anyone approaches us to provide an estimate for installing an LCLS2 module in LERF.

4. Funding could impact summer shutdown schedule possibly forcing the shutdown of CHL2 earlier than the May bill read. Possibly as early as 23 March. We are moving ahead with electrical installation and fabrication of the piping spools for this job.

5. LERF is still hoping to get the medical isotope contract in 18'

5. Other

Machie send out a request asking how many people still use ME10.

Action Items

1. Must keep meeting to no more than 30 minutes

2. Plan the replacement of the SC2 power feedthrus.

Action Item Updates

1. Need to choose 2 engineers to let Kandice Carter come take pictures of for engineers week.

We are going to start preliminary design of the 2K cold box replacement.

2. Investigate possibility of buying another welder (<$6K)