02/16/2017 Coordination Meeting

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This is a periodic meeting the Cryogenics Group has with various representatives on site to discuss future plans or issues related to supporting cryogenic loads at the accelerator, Halls, and the Testlab.


Creel, Wright, Schleeper, Fair, Kashy, Bridza, Kepple, Gomez, Oren, Wood

Agenda and Notes

The purpose of this particular meeting is to discuss the loads on the ESR due to Halls A, B, and C to determine the users plans and identify opportunities to reduce the load on the ESR plant which is operating above its capacity and requiring the support of the CHL/ESR transferline. The extended purpose is to get physics thinking about the possibility that the fall program might require modification based on the predictions made since 2006 that the ESR/CHL might be unable to meet the desires of the modified plan physics designed for Hall A after the ESR2 and Moeller did not happen.

2006 Paper was issued stating Hall A Moeller would need to be on ESR2. Hall B and C would be on ESR.

2010 Paper was issued stating without ESR2 Hall A would need to be offline

2015 Alternate proposal was issued for Hall A. Cryo said ESR/CHL would be on the edge but it might make it or it might not depending on the actual 12GeV loads.

2017 Cryo held several meetings indicating the load on ESR was higher than physics predicted and all three Halls together was likely not possible.

1. ESR History

Plant originally built in 1978 for the LBL ESCAR Project. It operated < 900 hours before being shutdown.

Plant was moved to JLAB and installed in 1994 JLAB to support Hall's A, B, and C. The plant has been in nearly continuous operation for more than 22 years.

2. ESR Capacity and costs

Plant capacity envelope is (1500W at 4.5K) OR (800W at 4.5K PLUS 1200W at 15K)

General rules: ESR loses 1 Watt of 4.5K Refrigeration for every 3 watts of 20K refrigeration used and it loses 150 watts of 4.5K refrigeration for every 1g/s of liquefaction used.

Additional TRANSIENT capacity available from CHL via transferline of up to 10g/s at 4.5K depending on the accelerator loads and the flow through the 2K cold box. As the 2K flow increases the liquefaction capability decreases. Using the transferline at 10g/s also increases the cost for power and LN2 at the CHL.

3. ESR2 Upgrade

The Cryogenics group has been pushing the installation of the ESR2 4KW at 4.5K SSC plant for many years. The building was constructed and the cold box placed inside but the real work of designing, installing, and commissioning has slipped several times. This is a multi-year effort to complete this work and requires commitment and funding.

4. Current Issues

At this time the ESR is operating above its full capacity. The CHL1 is supplying approximately 10g/s to ESR at this time via the transferline. The ESR is unable to accept more loads in this situation because the compressors cannot process additional gas even if we send more flow from the CHL. We also note the primary 4.5K supply pressure is struggling to stay at 2.7atm with periodic dips to 2.5atm. The normal desired supply pressure should not be below 3.0atm. This is due to the higher-than-expected 12GeV magnet loads, the need to keep Hall C lead flows on the ESR compressor system, and the high back pressure plugging issue with SHMS.

We expect the situation to improve some when Hall C stops training quenches and we can change the lead flows over to the CHL recovery system with the other Halls. We also expect the situation to improve if Hall C can correct the back pressure issue with the SHMS.

6. Fall Schedule

5. Plan Forward

Action Items


Action Items Updates and Other Information

1. Ruben states for Hall B solenoid the lead flows are 35.4 SLM (0.10g/s) and 41.3 SLM at full field (0.12g/s)

2. Hall A,B,C Load Discussion Meeting Minutes Apr 30, 2015 Media:Hall_Loads_Meeting_04302015.pdf

3. Directors Review of Cryogenic Capacity 2010 Media:DirectorsReviewCryogenics.pdf

4. Brindza Review of Cryogenic Load on ESR During 12GeV Era Media:Brindza_ESR_12GeV.pdf

5. 12 GeV Nominal End Station Cryogenic Loads from sscmr Media:sscmr.ppt

6. CLAS 12 SC Mag Rev 9_21_06 Kashy Media:CLAS12SCMag.ppt

7. schedule_20151021 Media:schedule_20151021.pdf

8. 20161027.0_LoadVision Media:20161027.0_LoadVision.pdf

9. 20150430.1_LoadVision Media:20150430.1_LoadVision.pdf