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Back to [https://wiki.jlab.org/cuawiki/index.php/Electron-Ion_Collider_Detectors:_EEEMCal EEEMCAL Main Page]
The EEEMCal group has seven weeks scheduled at JLab Hall D for Prototype Test Beam studies from 9/6-9/27 (~3 weeks) and 11/15-12/14 (~4 weeks). The schedule may slightly shift depending on start up and other groups' progress. The full JLab beam schedule can be found here: https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/experiment_schedule/2021/Web20210316.0.pdf A spreadsheet of all JLab Hall D planned prototype tests can be found here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hGN3OqBCs6WUoWJA4jrhVXYVzkBbX4oMkC9Iy3LvWPY/edit#gid=0 Link]
The EEEMCal group is has been carrying out detector prototype beam tests at Jefferson Lab and DESY. The next beam tests are planned for 2024
:* The present order of JLab Hall D prototype beam tests is:
::* Period 1 (~8 weeks):
::* Period 2 (~7.5 weeks):
:::* EEEMCal2 (+ GEMTRD/MPGD pending further discussions)
:::* EEEMCal3/TPEX 5x5
The calorimeter tests planned for the Hall D test beam program include tests of the performance and operation of the prototype calorimeter with different active material and readout configurations:
For information on beam tests at Jefferson Lab (contact: [mailto:hornt@cua.edu Tanja Horn]). For beam tests at DESY (contact: [mailto:hasell@mit.edu Douglas Hasell])
::* SiPM readout tests: Resolution: two (or four) SiPMs covering crystal surface and treated as separate channels using the existing preamplifiers for each channel; alternative: could match SiPMs with similar properties and assembly in a unit powered by a single bias and read out with single channel - check for significant decrease in performance
::* Dynamic range optimization
* PWO+SiPM+Streaming readout
* Glass scintillator
These tests will be carried out with 1x1, 3x3, and 5x5 PWO crystal/glass prototypes. The hardware for the tests is on site and assembled - the PWO+SiPM prototype from Crytur would be shipped to arrive before the program starts. The readout method will be standard GlueX. The detailed specifications of the planned tests can be found in the spreadsheet.
The tests would commence with initial setup, alignment, and commissioning, and then investigate calorimeter resolutions, etc. The resolution will be measured for several energies in the (2-6) GeV range and its dependence on mechanical assemblies/frames in front of the calorimeter (GEMs, TRD detectors, etc.) will be evaluated. The installation and alignment of the calorimeter requires at least one expert present (V. Berdnikov or A. Somov) and collaboration with HallD technicians and engineering personnel. The commissioning of the detector will be done with the experts present as well. Opportunities exist for collaborators to contribute to the commissioning, and in particular the data analysis that could in principle also be done offsite.
Jefferson Lab is currently in MedCon4 status. Please see the instructions below.
Beam test campaigns planned with focus on 1) 5x5 PWO+SiPM full chain test, 2) 5x5 with realistic mechanical structures, e.g., carbon. For (1), the electronics/readout overall need to complete investigations of stability, linearity, and power deposition for the two approaches (discrete and ASICS). Beam test goals:
::* test if ASIC gives comparable result with fADC
::* what is the minimum energy that can be detected with both sets of electronics
::* SiPM choice should be made before beam tests with only one channel. Idea is to use only one type of SiPM for the beam test. This can be done with cosmics. For SiPM need to decide between 10um and 15um - one of the differences is nonlinearity
To access JLab everyone will require users to complete a new access registration form at: https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabAccess/ . For questions regarding access registrations, please contact jris@jab.org.
= [[EEEMCAL BEAM TESTS 2022 and 2023]] =
Access Restrictions during MedCon-4: JLab has resumed limited on-site operations. Access to the lab is still slightly restricted for both users and employees. Remote work is still the preferred action. Only users who are approved for on-site operations (as determined by the hall leaders or Physics division) will be granted access. Physics has submitted a list to JRIS of approved Users.  
Beam test campaigns carried out with 3x3 PWO+SiPM (JLab, also MAMI) and 5x5 PWO+PMT (DESY) arrays.
Access for shift-takers during MedCon-4: If you have signed up for in-person shifts, the experimental spokesperson or the PDL will request the approval from the Hall Leader for you. They will inform you when they have submitted the shift-takers names for approval. You can submit a registration form then. Keep in mind that users must submit a new registration form at least seven days before on-site arrival. 
See the following link for information on the training and health questionnaire required before arrival.
Beam test campaigns carried out with 3x3 PWO+PMT (JLab)
= [[SciGlass prototype 2022]] =
Non-shift access: If you need to come at the Lab for non-shift-related work, you need to obtain first an approval from the respective Hall Leader. Bear in mind that such approvals are still restricted, and only requests for required (critical) work will be considered. Approved users must submit a new registration form at least seven days before on-site arrival as described above.
Detailed descriptions of the SciGlass prototype beam tests in 2022 and 2023. (contact: [mailto:yeran@jlab.org Yeran Ghandilyan] for site content)
If you need urgent temporary facility access (such as to retrieve materials from your office or to secure equipment), you should contact your Jefferson Lab sponsor.
During MEDCON 4, CEBAF Center and the Support Services Center (SSC) front desks will not be staffed. If you are a user approved to be on-site and are experiencing badge access issues, contact Security at (757) 269-5822. The User Liaison Office will be staffed Tuesday and Thursdays 8am-4:30pm beginning next week and will be extended if needed.
If you have forgotten or have lost your badge: If you are a user approved to be on-site and require the issuance of a replacement badge, you must request an appointment by phone (757) 269-6588, or email fso@jlab.org. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The badging office is located at the SSC, Bldg. 28, Room 56. Reminder: Security and Badging staff are still working remotely during MEDCON 4. Badging services will only be conducted with at least 24 hours advance scheduling and all access requirements completed.
Residence Facility Reservation Request: Residence Facility reservations can be made at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdGHxaBtFXI6h8ceurhNaXVuJqqQZKkaA3Vbw2JkWnp22-oQ/viewform (new online form). 
The facility will hold rooms for you until you have completed the approval and registration process. The facility will instruct you how to confirm that you are allowed on site. Access code to get your "key packet" on the day of arrival will only be sent, once ResFac gets the final approval from JLAB prior to your arrival. To be clear, this means that SURA will not allow visitors and users who do not have Jefferson Lab campus access to self-isolate at the Residence Facility until campus access is granted.
Checking Your Badge Status: In order to check your current access status, you login to JList from a browser that runs on a JLab server. Instructions on how to access the servers remotely can be found on the CC web site (login required): https://cc.jlab.org/remoteaccess (bottom of page). The VDI option has proven to be reasonably fast.
Further information: Please, follow carefully the JLab Weekly e-mails for updates on the evolving situation. Often, these can be found on the side of the main articles.  If you need help with further questions do not hesitate to let one of us know, or contact the User Liaison lorelei@jlab.org office directly.
The TPEX group tentatively has two weeks scheduled at the DESY Test Beam Facility from 15 November until 28 November, 2021.  This is not final as yet and some changes may still occur.  The final schedule will be posted at:
        Assuming we are allowed to travel to Germany in November and that the requirements for working at DESY are not too restrictive; I am planning to send a 5x5 lead tungstate calorimeter with PMT readout for testing sometime in September.  With the calorimeter we will also ship the following:
        - VME 64X crate,
        - CAEN V792AE QDCs,
        - CAEN V1725C Digitizers,
        - LeCroy 1458 HV mainframe with 1461N HV pods,
        - a NIM crate with some NIM electronics,
        - CAEN DT5810D signal generator,
        - two Dell computers for DAQ and laptop to help in setup,
        - Tektronix TDS 2052 oscillascope,
        - HV and signal cables,
        - Fisher Scientific chiller capable of reaching -25 C, and
        - miscellaneous supplies and tools.
        I hope that Jan Bernauer and Ethan Cline will come to MIT sometime during the summer to setup and test the DAQ system before we ship everything.
        The plan for this test beam period is to test the performance and operation of the 5x5 lead tungstate calorimeter in an electron test beam with various readout schemes in parallel (QDC, Digitizer, WaveBoard? other?).  After initial setup and commissioning we can gain match the PMT signals and then investigate the calorimeter resolution and shower development as a function of incident beam energy (2, 3, 4, and 5 GeV), incident beam position and beam angle, and temperature. Various absorbers can be placed in front of the calorimeter also.
        Tanja - If high-density scintillating glass of comparable size are available these could be exchanged for some lead tungstate crystals.
        The DESY test Beam facility is very well equipped and organized, see:
Each test beam area has trigger scintillators and tracking detectors with the necessary electronics to integrate with the user test equipment.  Collimators of various sizes can be placed where the beam exits the shielding wall.  Remotely controlled translation tables are available and a laser alignment system can be used to help position and align user detectors.  Cameras are in all areas as well as water and pressurized air.
        We are tentatively in test beam area TB24.  This area has a dedicated counting room with some equipment HV supplies, NIM crates, patch panels (HV, signal, and fibre) to the experimental area, etc. The beam energy is selected by a magnet control computer in the counting room.
Following is very important
        Before anyone is allowed to enter the test beam hall (Hall II) you must register with the DESY Indico system.  Access to the Indico system is by invitation after you and your group are approved for the test beam.  I will send a list of the people planning to work at the test beam to the test beam coordinators and they will use this to create the Indico site and subsequently invite you to register.  If you would like to be on this list please let me know.  Registering on Indico must be done at least a week before the test beam time preferably sooner.  You must also attend, in person, a 1 hour safety and procedure lecture, see the following for an overview of the material:
The lecture is held Mondays at 13:00 in building 1 room 310.  After the lecture you may get a DACHS card that allows to to enter the hall.  The DACHS cards are available in Building 6 room 110.
        I will be the designated safety / coordinator for this test beam period so please contact me if there are any problems.
        The DACHS cards are also used to control the interlock to the test beam area.  While everyone in the group can get a DACHS card to access the hall and counting room; only a few authorized people in each group will be able to control the interlock system.  This means that a group “expert” must be present to open and secure the test beam area.
        I think it would be extremely useful to have six (6) people including 2-3 experts present for the first week to help with the unpacking, setup, and commissioning.  Assuming the tests are running smoothly four (4) people are likely sufficient including 2 experts.  I think four (4) people are necessary to disassemble and pack everything on the last day.  Typically one person can run the experiment but two are required in the evenings and to access the test beam area.
        To get to DESY see:
I suggest flying to Hamburg and then taking a taxi to DESY.  All the taxi drivers know DESY.  Ask for the Notkestrasse entrance.
        DESY has a very nice and convenient hostel see:
You need to reserve a room in advance.  NOTE it can fill up quickly since the price is just 33 euro per night.  For registration purposes you can list the DESY Test Beam as the group you are working with.  You pick up your key at the gatehouse at the Notkestrasse entrance to DESY after 14:00.  If you want to pick up your key before 14:00 on the day you arrive please book your room for arriving the day before.  Please pay for your accommodation at the DESY bank before you leave.
        There are hotels and other options for accommodation nearby.
        There is a bank, ATMs, cafeterias, vending machines, coffee shop, and a licensed bistro on site.  There are also numerous restaurants near to DESY.  Various shops including the EEZ shopping mall are within a short walk.  Hamburg has an excellent public transportation system with buses and subways to take you further afield.  In general you do not need a car in Hamburg (except Jan of course).  So if things are going well and you have some free time there are several things to do and see in Hamburg.
        Good WiFi is available everywhere at DESY and you can get online quite easily using eduroam.  An ethernet connection is a bit more complicated.

Latest revision as of 16:30, 5 April 2024

Back to EEEMCAL Main Page

The EEEMCal group is has been carrying out detector prototype beam tests at Jefferson Lab and DESY. The next beam tests are planned for 2024

For information on beam tests at Jefferson Lab (contact: Tanja Horn). For beam tests at DESY (contact: Douglas Hasell)


Beam test campaigns planned with focus on 1) 5x5 PWO+SiPM full chain test, 2) 5x5 with realistic mechanical structures, e.g., carbon. For (1), the electronics/readout overall need to complete investigations of stability, linearity, and power deposition for the two approaches (discrete and ASICS). Beam test goals:

  • test if ASIC gives comparable result with fADC
  • what is the minimum energy that can be detected with both sets of electronics
  • SiPM choice should be made before beam tests with only one channel. Idea is to use only one type of SiPM for the beam test. This can be done with cosmics. For SiPM need to decide between 10um and 15um - one of the differences is nonlinearity

EEEMCAL BEAM TESTS 2022 and 2023

Beam test campaigns carried out with 3x3 PWO+SiPM (JLab, also MAMI) and 5x5 PWO+PMT (DESY) arrays.


Beam test campaigns carried out with 3x3 PWO+PMT (JLab)

SciGlass prototype 2022

Detailed descriptions of the SciGlass prototype beam tests in 2022 and 2023. (contact: Yeran Ghandilyan for site content)