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* CUA: Tanja Horn (superviser), Yeranuhi Ghandilyan, Joshua Crafts, VSL Team
* CUA: Tanja Horn (superviser), Yeranuhi Ghandilyan, Joshua Crafts, VSL Team
* JLab: Vladimir Berdnikov, Sasha Somov
* INFN: Marco Battaglieri, Marco Spreafico, Mariangela Bondi, Giacomo Ottonello, Stefano Grazzi,
* AANL: Hakob Voskanyan, Arthur Mkrtchyan, Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Vardan Tadevosyan, ...
* JLab: Sasha Somov, Vladimir Berdnikov
* INFN: Marco Battaglieri, Stefano Grazzi, Marco Spreafico, Mariangela Bondi
* AANL: Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Vardan Tadevosyan, Arthur Mkrtchyan
'''[[Wednesday 01.15.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1603176325-3Fpwd-3DQTNYZU8vZ1BpaDN1ZTFSa1VaWnprdz09&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=kJdbOdizyV91bDfVMN9wDJDanVuSKdQu8kl_CxQNDcQkoEO0_s6Qk21DGLNF6Awq&s=hIbZBslZbkSynpC5kI_eFWWRWRowTxZ6_3QepRBZGjk&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 317 6325
Passcode: 450782)''
'''Meeting notes''' []
'''[[Wednesday 01.08.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1603176325-3Fpwd-3DQTNYZU8vZ1BpaDN1ZTFSa1VaWnprdz09&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=kJdbOdizyV91bDfVMN9wDJDanVuSKdQu8kl_CxQNDcQkoEO0_s6Qk21DGLNF6Awq&s=hIbZBslZbkSynpC5kI_eFWWRWRowTxZ6_3QepRBZGjk&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 317 6325
Passcode: 450782)''
'''Meeting notes''' []
'''Stefano:  [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/where_we_are.pdf (Where we are)]'''
'''[[Wednesday 01.02.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1603176325-3Fpwd-3DQTNYZU8vZ1BpaDN1ZTFSa1VaWnprdz09&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=kJdbOdizyV91bDfVMN9wDJDanVuSKdQu8kl_CxQNDcQkoEO0_s6Qk21DGLNF6Awq&s=hIbZBslZbkSynpC5kI_eFWWRWRowTxZ6_3QepRBZGjk&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 317 6325
Passcode: 450782)''
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/notes_01.03.2023.pdf]
'''[[Monday 20.02.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1604067208-3Fpwd-3DQ1pQUC8zaCtYSS9Od2RIWVBBcjdKQT09&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=e3i_yodjGVSAsUxTO9lSSCn14d9gjeQtMH9ZTG_0Q5oNb2plSDAri9Srf-8m0Abl&s=WH_7HnhK2H2VcMgjT2HaXWormgvdUtXFoUTSTUwvVXw&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 406 7208
Passcode: 448495)''
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/notes_Feb_20_meeting.pdf]
'''[[Monday 13.02.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1604067208-3Fpwd-3DQ1pQUC8zaCtYSS9Od2RIWVBBcjdKQT09&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=e3i_yodjGVSAsUxTO9lSSCn14d9gjeQtMH9ZTG_0Q5oNb2plSDAri9Srf-8m0Abl&s=WH_7HnhK2H2VcMgjT2HaXWormgvdUtXFoUTSTUwvVXw&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 406 7208
Passcode: 448495)''
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/notes_feb_13_meeting.pdf]
'''NEXT MEETING''': THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2 AT 1:00PM ET '''(postponed on MONDAY,  February 6, 11am)'''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1604067208-3Fpwd-3DQ1pQUC8zaCtYSS9Od2RIWVBBcjdKQT09&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=e3i_yodjGVSAsUxTO9lSSCn14d9gjeQtMH9ZTG_0Q5oNb2plSDAri9Srf-8m0Abl&s=WH_7HnhK2H2VcMgjT2HaXWormgvdUtXFoUTSTUwvVXw&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 406 7208
Passcode: 448495)''
=='''Physical characteristics of the glass'''==
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/CUA_INFN_meeting_feb-06.pdf]
'''[[Tuesday 24.01.2023 11:00am EST]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1604067208-3Fpwd-3DQ1pQUC8zaCtYSS9Od2RIWVBBcjdKQT09&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=e3i_yodjGVSAsUxTO9lSSCn14d9gjeQtMH9ZTG_0Q5oNb2plSDAri9Srf-8m0Abl&s=WH_7HnhK2H2VcMgjT2HaXWormgvdUtXFoUTSTUwvVXw&e=]
Meeting ID: 160 406 7208
Passcode: 448495)''
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/meeting-notes-jan_24.pdf]
===Visual inspection of the SciGlass modules===
'''[[Tuesday, 17.01.2023 11:00 am EDT (14:00 Rome)]]'''
''Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB''
* 2022 Generation SciGlass 40cm: [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/SciGlass-dimentions.pdf Dimensions of 9 blocks produced in summer 2022 (CUA-1....CUA-9]
'''zoom info:''' [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab-2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_1604067208-3Fpwd-3DQ1pQUC8zaCtYSS9Od2RIWVBBcjdKQT09&d=DwIBaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=e3i_yodjGVSAsUxTO9lSSCn14d9gjeQtMH9ZTG_0Q5oNb2plSDAri9Srf-8m0Abl&s=WH_7HnhK2H2VcMgjT2HaXWormgvdUtXFoUTSTUwvVXw&e=]
* 2022 Generation SciGlass 40cm: [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/SciGlass-Transmission.pdf Comparison of 9 blocks produced in summer 2022]
Meeting ID: 160 406 7208
Passcode: 448495)''
===cosmic test===
'''Meeting notes''' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/jan-17-2023-CUA-INFN-JLAB-AANL.pdf]
'''[[Thursday 03.11.2022 at 12:30 EST]]'''
''2x2cm, 40cm long SiGlass 5x5 array Prototype with SiPM for early 2023''
'''Location''': JLAB/ CC F226
=='''Engineering part and design of the 3x3 prototype (40xm SciGlass 2022)'''==
'''zoom info''': [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_16034795200&d=DwIDaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=nxwzg39zP18hvAYyOYgxVABHNQ813P5fhaXe213mvw_DRXmc2J3BLvykrnZTZ0D&s=Ujpcofl81aU91wzuVHA7eFW0ucnQ6X8ufJa0Xwbwqqs&e=]
===Hardware ===
Read out
'''[[Thursday 03.11.2022, 9:00AM EDT]] (14:00 Rome)'''
- For the test we will need 25 cables (+3,4 spare)
''2x2cm, 20cm long SiGlass 3x3 array Prototype for SRO tests with cosmics''
- For the 5x5 prototype we will need to make 25 HV dividers
'''Location''': JLAB/ CC F226
- LEMO connectors (FFS.00.250.NTCE52)
'''zoom info''': [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__jlab2Dorg.zoomgov.com_j_16034795200&d=DwIDaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=f8L4iTRDJfn8FXuAtsapHvgjA4COEwRszJjhkcxYhkASjW3QhYXOU4C2E4cyb4in&s=TwePhUBOfgtcUrNhOYm3S9yBCaEqRBZT-DDBslPwvOY&e=]
''Agenda:'' to touch base and verify the status of the different components (Sergey: hw and deployment in Hall-B, Vardan: ERSAP, Carmelo: Tridas).
=='''3x3 prototype (20x20x400mm)'''==
===Hardware ===
- LEMO bulkhead connectors (PES.00.250.NTME31)
- LEMO connectors (FFS.00.250.NTCE52) [https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/lemo/FFS-00-250-NTCE52/3597392?s=N4IgTCBcDaIGJwMoDoAMrlgKwYHIBUBhAUSwgF0BfIA]
- LEMO bulkhead connectors (PES.00.250.NTME31) [https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/lemo/PES-00-250-NTME31/3806969]
- HV connectors (Pasternack SHV connector PE45556)
- HV connectors (Pasternack SHV connector PE45556) [https://www.pasternack.com/shv-jack-rg174-rg316-rg188-connector-pe45556-p.aspx]
- HV divider circuit boards + sockets
- HV divider circuit boards + sockets
Line 57: Line 130:
- Cables for dividers
- Cables for dividers
- Label Machine [https://www.amazon.com/LABELWORKS-LW-PX300-Industrial-Label-Maker/dp/B08JQMFZ6F/ref=sr_1_29_sspa?crid=3BQBGDXQ8A5TJ&keywords=label+machine&qid=1667313715&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1Ljg1IiwicXNhIjoiNS40MCIsInFzcCI6IjQuOTQifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=label+machine%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-29-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&psc=1]
- Black RTV silicone [https://www.amazon.com/Permatex-81158-Black-Silicone-Sealant/dp/B000FW2NBM/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=black+rtv+silicone&qid=1667314270&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjU5IiwicXNhIjoiMi45NyIsInFzcCI6IjIuNzUifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=Black+RTV+silic%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-7]
- Black tape (0.68") [https://www.amazon.com/Wapodeai-Electrical-Temperature-Resistance-Waterproof/dp/B07ZWC2VLX/ref=sr_1_3_mod_primary_new?crid=3OYTWXT7MLYA5&keywords=black+tape+2.00%22%2C+101.60+mm&qid=1667313468&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjU3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=black+tape+2.00+%2C+101.60+mm%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3]
- Filament to print the box for 5x5 (PLA, 1.75mm) [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.amazon.com_Polymaker-2DPolyLite-2DPrinter-2DFilament-2DPrinting_dp_B07PHTMZQT_ref-3Dsr-5F1-5F16-3Fcrid-3D1C2ROXS10LFTO-26keywords-3Dfilament-2Bblack-2Bpla-2Beconomy-2Bcolor-2Bfabb-2B1.75-2Bmm-2B3kg-26qid-3D1667224863-26qu-3DeyJxc2MiOiItMC4wMSIsInFzYSI6IjAuMDAiLCJxc3AiOiIwLjAwIn0-253D-26sprefix-3Dfilament-2Bblack-2Bpla-2Beconomy-2Bcolor-2Bfabb-2B1.75-2Bmm-2B3kg-252Caps-252C62-26sr-3D8-2D16&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=AX1P8R1V2r7WiE668wm4tw&m=0aCOb46vMHF1ovfzsOKqrD8Jasu60HNHwqSVkBfRbVvUltEXBl9RYKZcBxkhWBCC&s=B-wtwHSrzaJPxw1q0_FwVTcgr2Kr2zybqLhuZOBQVkE&e=]
[[''Readout for '''SiPM based''' 5x5 SciGlass Prototype'']]
''Action items''
• Identify one additional fADC (adds 16 channels) for the beam test – Vladimir
• For “standard” (SiPM and NO SRO) readout need from Fernando additional cables (50ft) – Yeran
- Label Machine
''Available parts:''
S13360-6025PS – 36 pc
- Black RTV silicone
S13360-6075PS – 20pc
S14160-6050HS – 150pc
- Black tape (0.68")
S14160-6050HS-04 – 16pc
fADC – 1x (16 channels)
- Filament to print the box for 5x5 (PLA, 1.75mm)
HV/signal cables – 10 channels
FEE: 12 preamps from INFN, 4 Bias PCB (16 channels) from INFN
===Construction of the 3x3prototype (40cm SciGlass 2022) ===
===Installation of the 3x3 prototype (40cm SciGlass 2022) in the beam line (HallD) at Jefferson Lab===
===Beam alignment and re-alignment===
===Data from Prototype tests===
==[[Detailed List of Activities]]==
===3x3 SciGlass prototype beam test timeline===
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CwJVcIRDhr51JtxpQsakKK4meAIScLUfDkQquZgfOyk/edit#gid=0 SciGlass Task List 2022]
Date?? - Visual inspection of the SciGlass "(Josh)"
===Detailed List of Activities===
'''09/16/2022''' - Transmittance measurement ''(Josh, Yeran)''
'''09/16/2022''' - Transmittance measurement ''(Josh, Yeran)'' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/SciGlass-Transmission.pdf Comparison of 9 blocks produced in summer 2022]
'''09/29/2022''' - Dimensions measurement ''(Josh, Yeran)''
'''09/29/2022''' - Dimensions measurement ''(Josh, Yeran)'' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/SciGlass_dimentions.pdf]
'''09/29/2022''' - Beam test with 12x1 array in the Hall, ''(Vlad, Arshak)''
'''09/29/2022''' - Beam test with 12x1 array in the Hall, ''(Arshak, Vlad)''
'''10/06/2022''' - 12x1 array removing from the hall ''(Yeran, Arshak)''
'''10/06/2022''' - 12x1 array removing from the hall ''(Yeran, Arshak)''
Line 96: Line 183:
'''10/13/2022''' - 3x3 prototype box assembling ''(Josh, Yeran)''
'''10/13/2022''' - 3x3 prototype box assembling ''(Josh, Yeran)''
'''10/14/2022''' - 3x3 prototype installation in the hall and alignment ''(Yeran, Vlad, Arshak, Sasha)''
'''10/14/2022''' - PMT based 3x3 prototype installation in the hall and alignment (Yeran, Arshak, Sasha, Vlad)''
'''10/18/2022''' - 3x3 prototype re-alignment (5mm), ''(Yeran, Arshak, Sasha)''
'''10/18/2022''' - 3x3 prototype re-alignment (5mm), ''(Yeran, Arshak, Sasha)''
'''10/19/2022''' - 3x3 prototype re-re-alignment (5+3mm), ''(Vlad, Arshak)''
'''10/19/2022''' - 3x3 prototype re-re-alignment (5+3mm), ''(Arshak, Vlad)''
'''10/27/2022''' - 3x3 prototype HV base replacement. The HV dividers have been replaced to those with no pre-amplifier and increase HV (from 1000 V to 1100 V) on the 3x3 prototype in order to improve the photodetection efficiency.  "(Yeran, Arthur, Arshak)" [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/3x3-HV.pdf], [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/Towers+5mm+3mm.pdf]
'''10/29/2022''' - 3x3 prototype central channel's (#5) HV divider/base replacement "(Yeran, Arshak)" [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/3x3-HV-updated.pdf]
'''11/02/2022''' - Removing PMT based 3x3 prototype from the Hall, for replacing MPT's with the  SiPms and make a beam test in the Hall, (Yeran, Arthur, Sasha, Vlad)''
'''11/05/2022''' - Detaching PMTs from the 2x2cm, 40cm long SciGlass modules and preparations for attachement the SiPms ''(Yeran, Josh, Arthur)' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/sipm-report.pdf]
'''11/21/2022''' - Attachemnet of SiPMs to the SciGlass and Prototype assembly ''(Yeran, Josh, Arthur)''
'''12/14/2022''' - SiPM based 3x3 prototype installation in the hall and alignment (Yeran, Arshak)'' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/3x3-SiPM-beam.pdf]
'''12/19/2022''' - Removing SiPM based 3x3 prototype from the Hall, (Yeran, Arshak)''
'''12/21/2022''' - Moving 9 SciGlasses to Genova (INFN) (Yeran, Marco B.)'' [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/CUA-INFN-JLAB_SciGlass-report.pdf]
=== Pictures ===
= '''5x5 prototype (20x20x400mm)''' =
=== Measurements ===
==== Visual Inspection [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/Visual_Inspection_1_17_23.pdf] ====
==== Dimension [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/SciGlass_Dimentions.pdf] ====
==== Transmission [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/Transmission-all.pdf] ====
==== Light Yield [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/SciGlass_LY/report_LY-new.pdf] ====
=== Prototype construction [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/sciglass_test_status.pdf] ===
=== Simulations [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mFvshgF6XfV1_gGE7qNP6NFwUTiENYjtmmua540MKpU/edit#slide=id.p] ===
=== Cosmic test [https://wiki.jlab.org/cuawiki/index.php/File:Spreafico_Update_23_02_13.pdf] [https://wiki.jlab.org/cuawiki/index.php/File:EIC_23_02_20.pdf]===
=== Beam test ===
[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/5x5_installation.pdf (5x5 prototype installation in HallD)]
=== Data analysis ===
''Useful Links''
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/121DyPS-ypaDI04JNIl_QHkM12LL4LwDHMq40jdKQ4g4/edit#gid=0 (5x5 Glass, RO information PCB_EIC)]
[https://halldweb.jlab.org/rcdb/# (HallD runs, RCDB)]
[https://epicsweb.jlab.org/wedm/screen?edl=/cs/opshome/edm/wall/Status_W_Accel.edl (Accelerator status)]
[https://logbooks.jlab.org/book/hdlog (HallD logbook)]
5x5 beam test ROOT files: /u/home/yeran/test_12*_sipm.root
[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/5x5_fadc-2V_run-121163.png (Raw-mode waveforms, run#121163, fADC 2V)]
===Pictures ===
=== Documentation ===
5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test detailed plan/activities/timeline [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/5x5_Prototype.pdf]
5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test documentation [https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/beam_test_documentation_5x5.pdf]
'''10/27/2022''' - 3x3 prototype HV base replacement "(Yeran, Arthur, Arshak)"
5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test timeline [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CwJVcIRDhr51JtxpQsakKK4meAIScLUfDkQquZgfOyk/edit#gid=496499416]
'''10/29/2022''' - 3x3 prototype central channel's (#5) HV divider/base replacement "(Yeran, Arshak)"
1) SiPM 3x3 natural density (ND) filter testing data
2) 3D model of the 3x3 PCB. It's the .step file. Let me know if you need it in
another file format.
'''11/05/2022''' - decommissioning of PMT based 3x3 prototype and preparations for attaching the SiPms ''(Yeran, Josh, Arthur)''
= ''' SiPM 3x3 matrix (Hamamatsu 14160-6050HS) '''=
==[[Future Plans]]==
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/sipm_3x3_matrix.pdf (SiPM 3x3 matrix information)]===
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/EIC_SiPM_Array_S141606050HS.pdf (Schematics of the 3x3 PCB)]===
'''October/27/2022''' ---> Most probably on Thursday will be an access to the Hall-D. We are planning to change the HV dividers (to those with no pre-amplifier) and increase HV (from 1000 V to 1100 V) on the 3x3 prototype in order to improve the photodetection efficiency. Everything is ready to go to the Hall. Since there is no paper-based instruction for all this procedure, I'll try to make one for the future tests.
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/EIC_SiPM-4x4-S14161-6050HS-04.pdf (Test report from the 4x4 testing. 3x3 will be soon)]===
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/metal_package_etc_KXX-A12028-ENG.pdf (Hamamatsu's recommendations for SiPM handling)]===
'''November/2/2022''' ---> On Wednesday will be a accelerator maintenance day. We will have an access to the Hall and can release the PMT based 3x3 SciGlass prototype and start SiPM test preparation. Our next step is beam test of SciGlasses with SiPMs in the HallD.
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/pcb_3d_views.pdf (3D view of the 3x3 matrix PCB)]===
'''November 2022''' ---> Attaching SciPMs to the 2cmx2cm, 40cm long SciGlass.  
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/testing_data_summary.pdf (test with PCB - summary)]===
'''January 2023''' ---> SciPM based 3x3 SciGlass prototype beam test in HallD.
===[https://userweb.jlab.org/~yeran/SciGlass/5x5_prototype/S14160-6050HS_Report_Rev2.pdf (EIC SiPM 3x3 matrix - S14161-6050HS)]===

Latest revision as of 10:09, 22 May 2023


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  • CUA: Tanja Horn (superviser), Yeranuhi Ghandilyan, Joshua Crafts, VSL Team
  • INFN: Marco Battaglieri, Marco Spreafico, Mariangela Bondi, Giacomo Ottonello, Stefano Grazzi,
  • JLab: Sasha Somov, Vladimir Berdnikov
  • AANL: Hamlet Mkrtchyan, Vardan Tadevosyan, Arthur Mkrtchyan



Wednesday 01.15.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [1] Meeting ID: 160 317 6325 Passcode: 450782)

Meeting notes []

Wednesday 01.08.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [2] Meeting ID: 160 317 6325 Passcode: 450782)

Meeting notes []

Stefano: (Where we are)

Wednesday 01.02.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [3] Meeting ID: 160 317 6325 Passcode: 450782)

Meeting notes [4]

Monday 20.02.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [5] Meeting ID: 160 406 7208 Passcode: 448495)

Meeting notes [6]

Monday 13.02.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [7] Meeting ID: 160 406 7208 Passcode: 448495)

Meeting notes [8]

NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2 AT 1:00PM ET (postponed on MONDAY, February 6, 11am) )

zoom info: [9] Meeting ID: 160 406 7208 Passcode: 448495)

Meeting notes [10]

Tuesday 24.01.2023 11:00am EST

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [11] Meeting ID: 160 406 7208 Passcode: 448495)

Meeting notes [12]

Tuesday, 17.01.2023 11:00 am EDT (14:00 Rome)

Update on the 5x5 prototype assembly and checklist for the upcoming beam test at JLAB

zoom info: [13] Meeting ID: 160 406 7208 Passcode: 448495)

Meeting notes [14]

Thursday 03.11.2022 at 12:30 EST

2x2cm, 40cm long SiGlass 5x5 array Prototype with SiPM for early 2023 Location: JLAB/ CC F226

zoom info: [15]

Thursday 03.11.2022, 9:00AM EDT (14:00 Rome)

2x2cm, 20cm long SiGlass 3x3 array Prototype for SRO tests with cosmics

Location: JLAB/ CC F226

zoom info: [16] Agenda: to touch base and verify the status of the different components (Sergey: hw and deployment in Hall-B, Vardan: ERSAP, Carmelo: Tridas).

3x3 prototype (20x20x400mm)


- LEMO connectors (FFS.00.250.NTCE52) [17]

- LEMO bulkhead connectors (PES.00.250.NTME31) [18]

- HV connectors (Pasternack SHV connector PE45556) [19]

- HV divider circuit boards + sockets

- Cables for dividers


- Label Machine [20]

- Black RTV silicone [21]

- Black tape (0.68") [22]

- Filament to print the box for 5x5 (PLA, 1.75mm) [23]

''Readout for '''SiPM based''' 5x5 SciGlass Prototype''

Action items

• Identify one additional fADC (adds 16 channels) for the beam test – Vladimir

• For “standard” (SiPM and NO SRO) readout need from Fernando additional cables (50ft) – Yeran

Available parts:

S13360-6025PS – 36 pc

S13360-6075PS – 20pc

S14160-6050HS – 150pc

S14160-6050HS-04 – 16pc

fADC – 1x (16 channels)

HV/signal cables – 10 channels

FEE: 12 preamps from INFN, 4 Bias PCB (16 channels) from INFN

3x3 SciGlass prototype beam test timeline

SciGlass Task List 2022

Detailed List of Activities

09/16/2022 - Transmittance measurement (Josh, Yeran) Comparison of 9 blocks produced in summer 2022

09/29/2022 - Dimensions measurement (Josh, Yeran) [24]

09/29/2022 - Beam test with 12x1 array in the Hall, (Arshak, Vlad)

10/06/2022 - 12x1 array removing from the hall (Yeran, Arshak)

10/11/2022 - 3x3 prototype cosmic test in clean room, (Yeran, Arshak)

10/13/2022 - 3x3 prototype box assembling (Josh, Yeran)

10/14/2022 - PMT based 3x3 prototype installation in the hall and alignment (Yeran, Arshak, Sasha, Vlad)

10/18/2022 - 3x3 prototype re-alignment (5mm), (Yeran, Arshak, Sasha)

10/19/2022 - 3x3 prototype re-re-alignment (5+3mm), (Arshak, Vlad)

10/27/2022 - 3x3 prototype HV base replacement. The HV dividers have been replaced to those with no pre-amplifier and increase HV (from 1000 V to 1100 V) on the 3x3 prototype in order to improve the photodetection efficiency. "(Yeran, Arthur, Arshak)" [25], [26]

10/29/2022 - 3x3 prototype central channel's (#5) HV divider/base replacement "(Yeran, Arshak)" [27]

11/02/2022 - Removing PMT based 3x3 prototype from the Hall, for replacing MPT's with the SiPms and make a beam test in the Hall, (Yeran, Arthur, Sasha, Vlad)

11/05/2022 - Detaching PMTs from the 2x2cm, 40cm long SciGlass modules and preparations for attachement the SiPms (Yeran, Josh, Arthur)' [28]

11/21/2022 - Attachemnet of SiPMs to the SciGlass and Prototype assembly (Yeran, Josh, Arthur) [29]

12/14/2022 - SiPM based 3x3 prototype installation in the hall and alignment (Yeran, Arshak) [30]

12/19/2022 - Removing SiPM based 3x3 prototype from the Hall, (Yeran, Arshak)

12/21/2022 - Moving 9 SciGlasses to Genova (INFN) (Yeran, Marco B.) [31]


5x5 prototype (20x20x400mm)


Visual Inspection [32]

Dimension [33]

Transmission [34]

Light Yield [35]

Prototype construction [36]

Simulations [37]

Cosmic test [38] [39]

Beam test

(5x5 prototype installation in HallD)

Data analysis

Useful Links

(5x5 Glass, RO information PCB_EIC)

(HallD runs, RCDB)

(Accelerator status)

(HallD logbook)

5x5 beam test ROOT files: /u/home/yeran/test_12*_sipm.root

(Raw-mode waveforms, run#121163, fADC 2V)




5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test detailed plan/activities/timeline [40]

5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test documentation [41]

5x5 SciGlass prototype beam test timeline [42]

1) SiPM 3x3 natural density (ND) filter testing data 2) 3D model of the 3x3 PCB. It's the .step file. Let me know if you need it in another file format.

SiPM 3x3 matrix (Hamamatsu 14160-6050HS)

(SiPM 3x3 matrix information)

(Schematics of the 3x3 PCB)

(Test report from the 4x4 testing. 3x3 will be soon)

(Hamamatsu's recommendations for SiPM handling)

(3D view of the 3x3 matrix PCB)

(test with PCB - summary)

(EIC SiPM 3x3 matrix - S14161-6050HS)