General Meeting Summary 10/18/18
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MAGNET (Bogdan)
- Assembly is nearly done - see this picture
- not yet closed as still need to attach upstream coil
- expect to be fully assembled this week
HV BASES (Julie)
- Assembly and testing is ongoing
- Working on optimizing construction and minimizing material between crystals - prototype tests ongoing
- Current idea for assembly is to assemble from the back and use rectangular plastic clips/frames at the front to hold assembly together
- Tests being performed with prototype include mechanical assembly procedure, thermal tests, and perhaps magnetic field tests
- Discussion about cabling plans
- based on Frascati experience with PDME, a cable chicane may not be necessary - a light tight channel may be sufficient, but it is important that it also has air flow
- multiwire cables are generally rigid and might be difficult in assembly
- overall idea is to get cables our of box, then at a distance of ~1m have a transition box to multiwire cables and then these would go wherever needed
- Bogdan can send a reference for HV connectors used in Hall A calorimeter/coordinate detector
- IPN-O will do a few tests with multiwire cables to test structure - note that box size should be as small as possible
- Discussion about infrastructure outside box - further discussion in November with engineers/designers at JLab
READOUT (Alexandre)
- Component are mostly available modulo 1-2 additional VXS crates
- Test setup in SHMS for cables and background tests
- Plan is to start on beam test setup during the next extended down period
- availability of 3x3 crystal prototype: hardware currently disassembled, could be reassembled in a few days
- monitoring/curing system hardware also available
- Assembly nearly finished - see this picture
- currently installing light monitoring system
- Plan is to move detector to Hall D next week Tuesday and power up to check all channels - platform should be available in November
- First five crystals from Crytur are being tested - quality seems very good. Next six to be shipped before end of the month. Discussion about future procurement ongoing
- Defer until next meeting when perhaps dates of Hall A/C winter meetings are known