Summary 2/1/19
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- Admin:
- Make a draft agenda including action items
- Draft COO
- Draft prelim rad form
- OSP magnet and detector
- Check in with Chris Cuevas on NPS ERR
- Schedule a date for ERR
- For ERR in general need a list of outstanding scope and how/who will address it
- Discussion based on action item 2018 list in slides:
- page 1 items:
- Need an installation plan (Walter, Steve L. and team...)
- demonstrate that design complete and floor layout plan exists
- show what scope of work remains and who will do it
- show that fringe fields under control
- page 2 items:
- cabling - show that there is a plan how cables go on carriage
- page 3 items:
- what to show for software, DAQ, and electronics...
- Assembly done, ready for power and cooling - in test lab will get to 20% of power due to cooling limitations
- no need to power up before ERR
- plan to power up in summer
- June might be good time as tech teams should have more time then
- need to have estimate of fringe fields for magnet test area
- might want to check modeling magnet with and without base plate (concern is additional magnetic material) - might be ok with 20% energizing
- Mapper is ready for magnet tests
- need to start on safety documentation - J. Beaufait, E. Folts can help
- mapping plan is expected to be developed in first half of February - idea is to run without field and devise plan based on that
- Fringe fields
- show that no impact on beamline magnets - earlier studies showed that no impact, but might want to check again
- for ERR mainly need to show that have a plan
FRAME (Emmanuel)
- Design mostly ready - main question is who will do assembly
- Impact of cross talk in neighboring modules
- Ho-San measured 0.5% of light (from regular showers) goes from one to next crystal - expect same for LED
- Check on vertical clearance for PCB interface box - there may be interference with SHMS water lines
- For PMTs and electronics interface, need to know smallest signal size that still needs to be digitized
- Discussion crystal-PMT attachment and crystal array design
- Assume that silicone cookie will stick to either crystal or PMT when removing PMT
- Crystal array assembly is new - using aveoles (material only at first ~2cm along block, everywhere else along block 0.3mm air between crystals). Just put crystal inside, no compression.
- NOTE: to quantify shower leakage could run simulation and make shower profile with and without gaps
- Survey requirements
- standard is survey to 1mm on fiducial block on outside of frame
- For Hall A DVCS surveyed all block locations. Note that calorimeter was at 1m from target, so mm offset results in 1mrad
- calibration with e-p elastics possible? Need to check if can adjust calorimeter (in x, y, z) for these kinematics - in principle can do that with screw adjustments or shims
CRYSTALS (Vladimir)
- Discussion on crystal quality and tests
- Measured 2%/sqrtE with 3x3 prototype as expected given limitations of instrument - essentially have 8 edge crystals
- For NPS 12x12 prototype tests used temperature sensors (5 probes) attached to corners, front and back of detector
- Action Item: Make a spectrum of photon energy for crystals next to the one hit - should address question about smallest signal digitization - estimate is 2-3% of energy of hit crystal
- Saturation fADC - nominal voltage for linear range is 1100 V for HV divider, but this saturates. In Hall D tests ran with 650 V
- Rates comparable to NPS (250 kHz/channel)
- threshold >2 GeV overall (10-15mV/channel)
- Discussion about overall plan for crystals
- important factor is if SICCAS can sign for 400 crystals with NPS quality - also determines is take back 145 SICCAS crystals from Hall D
- plan to purchase more Crytur crystals - in principle could have ~600 CRYTUR by end of 2020
- different crystal array configurations depending on how many CRYTUR crystals - in general, place SICCAS at edges where only have to catch the shower, and CRYTYUR in regions of higher radiation and where physics is (in center) - as example see Vardan/Hamlet's drawing
- Discussion about structure tasks and completion status
- Sweeping magnet support positions: now need to move magnet laterally, originally not - engineering design 30-40% complete
- Beam line concept design stage
- Cable routing - need detector design details (see talk by Emmanuel and 11/13/18 meeting and 1/31/19 meeting notes)
- Movement of and mounting of detector
- to move detector from right to left: crane pick up on rail piece with detector bolted to the rail
- overall responsibility of JLab
- information from IPNO on center of gravity and weight would be helpful
- Action item: reinforcements to make detector as stable as possible during movement would be helpful
- Action item: check on angle 22.5 degree requirement that now determines if NPS left of right of SHMS
- what is the limitation?
- previously had 30 degrees - with the smaller angle might need configuration changes within one experiment
- Discussion about what is needed from NPS collaboration?
- nothing yet except information about cables, i.e. cable lengths
- First experiments will have NPS on the right side of SHMS (smaller angles, closer to the beamline)
- Discussion about where power supply could go in the hall, e.g. where SOS one was?
- Discussion about number and location of penetrations into SHMS for HV and signal cables
- number of penetrations sufficient (checked in 2016), but locations may not be idea
- make bore hole into top of SHMS?
- Discussion about timeline, plan, decisions for cables
- Discussion timing - NPS experiments get timing from fADC directly
- Available number of fADCs seems ok for NPS experiments
- Action item: need info on fADC threshold - should be >= 5mV
- Need to decide on: 1) read everything out (this seems best) or 2) Trigger
- Trigger on NPS and read out wave forms - coincidence rates seem manageable (presently can handle 4.5 kHz)
- Plan for VTP readout - need to converge, tasks to be done include:
- hardware
- firmware and DAQ development
- require 5 VTPs ($45k)
- Rack space in SHMS - all can fit, but need to figure out how to get the cables in
- HV/Slow controls
- Action item: add temperature - need info from IPN on how many temperature sensors, channel count
- discussion about anode current - perhaps best to estimate from fADC (done that way for prototype, good to factor 2)
- Data rates - 20 MB/s is ok, beyond 200 MB/s requires a lot more work
- VTP readout good option as less rate limited
- Suggest clustered readout like done for HPS
- coincidence data rates seem reasonable
- Test setup plan to install in hall
- Discussion about experience gained
- documentation and procedures available in Wiki
- slow controls developed: HV and environment, e.g. temperature - all information is archived
- Ongoing studies to understand observed nonlinearity - divider performance?
- Action item: check stability of temperature monitoring and how long it takes to stabilize
- Plans to data additional data in spring - e.g. with fADC dynamic range set to 2 V
- Action item: submit ideas for additional tests
- Used EPICS 1527
- Time required to write controls depends on which type - detector support group responsibility
- can be very fast if build on something existing, and in particular if have hardware/motors etc.
- HV controls took ~ 1week
- motion controls took longer (~month)
- environment required engineering support for sensors
- More than half assembled - need to clarify saturation observed with prototype for path forward
- anode current limit is 100uA
- Action items:
- check dividers for lower voltage range (600-700 V) - Alex S. and student might be able to help
- check into bypassing amplifier - Fernando has a way to do that and it affects the easy to modify part of the board
- Basic NPS geometry is ready for any simulation
- checked background, magnetic field, dose rates
- Next: offline software - can be based on Hall A DVCS software
- Discussion about best options for NPS
- A7030 HV with 36 or 48 channels - 36 might be beneficial due to grouping in frame
- New project to produce material with luminescence properties comparable or better than crystals at much reduced cost and easier and faster to manufacture
- Initial tests very promising
- Prototype test planned for fall in Hall D
- Action item: provide details on what is needed
- Develop agenda based on charge - some items can be grouped
- Design and installation plan is mandatory, also any equipment test plans as needed
- Equipment talks - could be three if group
- magnet should also include implications for beam line commissioning
- Early radiation levels - complete a prelim radiation form and submit through Hall contact (likely Doug H.)
- Draft charge items 2(d-f) and 7, 8, and 9 require some work
- Action items:
- Make a draft agenda including action items
- Draft COO
- Draft prelim rad form
- OSP magnet and detector
- Check in with Chris Cuevas on NPS ERR
- Schedule a date for ERR