General EEEMCal Meeting Summary 2/7/25
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PARTICIPANTS: Afnan Shatat, Holly, Carlos, Douglas, Tanja, Ethan, Matthew Nguyen, Renee, Rosi, Larry, Justin, Sasha, Vardan, Joerg, Hrachya, Julie, Hamlet,
- Overall Goal of the February test: test different readout chains (e.g., discrete vs. ASIC) with Orsay prototype
- Orsay prototype is ready. Will be shipped to DESY with expected arrival on 12 Feb
- some personnel will arrive on Friday 2/14 to start setting up DAQ; assembly of the prototype will follow on Monday after the safety lecture as some personnel need to pass that training
- Discrete readout chain preparation are on track
- PCBs arrived at JLab and were sent on to Gerard after minor modifications
- Larry has been working on the power cables/distribution box and has sent them on to Gerard
- Gerard is planning to do some tests of both
- Justin will pick up all components from Gerard including a LV power supply and bring everything to DESY
- An overall run plan for the February beam test has been discussed - details are still being sorted
- Next beam test preparation meeting is on 11 February at 10:30AM ET
- Looking ahead there are 2-3 additional beam tests planned:
- 24 March++ at DESY: direct comparison of PMT/SiPM, Crytur prototype with different readout and chain, and any additional readout chain tests based on February investigation
- is any pulse shaping needed for the PMTS? Note that the same digitizer (V1725) has been used in previous beam tests with PMT. May need to review the details
- June at DESY: contingency. Need to start coordinating this beam slot as Douglas and Ethan will likely not be available or not available for the entire time
- June/July at JLAB: initial discussions have started on how to integrate the ASIC based readout with the HD infrastructure, but need to follow up on the details
- Discussion about possible proposal planning
- Given that the proposal submission deadline is still posted as 19 March 2025 and the review uncertainty it may be wise to give SPOs a heads up
- Discussion with ePIC-DSC on 7 Feb
- discussion in EEEMCAL context about the points circulated by ePIC TC
- Carlos/Tanja will report from the meeting
- Discussion about ongoing reports
- European strategy plan is out for review
- pre TDR time line more relaxed - summer to end of year
- Discussion about documentation and upcoming final design review
- Action: need to identify a good way to generate the needed documentation
- how are previous documentations folded in?
- how are recent/ongoing beam tests folded in?
TC-DSC MEETING 7 Feb 2025 - Notes
- Overall EEEMCAL in good shape and moving along at a reasonable pace
- Workforce
- simulation has been weak. Have expert from UKY and personnel from AANL. Unclear how one would fill in more personnel
- Final design review planning
- mechanical design at the required level
- remaining item is the readout chain details - have beam test planned at DESY and at JLAB and hope to have the information very soon
- Long lead procurement crystals - any specifications still needed?
- No. Had final design review and specifications have been set.
- NSF proposal status
- deadline for full proposal submission (by invitation based on pre-proposal) is on 19 March 2025. Pre-proposal was submitted and awaiting feedback.
- Documentation
- Discussing preparation of a tech note independent of pre-TDR. This written documentation could be used as pre-brief for a final design review and as reference material for pre-TDR or a future EEEMCAL publication
- Cooling
- idea is to have a standalone design to cool the EEEMCAL and some safety margin for external sources
- planned are simulations and prototype tests for the cooling
- Light monitoring/calibration system status
- EEEMCAL will use LEDs for light monitoring, but not calibration
- A concept exists from NPS
- ASIC - any dependence on the ePIC chip development
- No. EEEMCAL uses HCGROC - have all information available for making decisions for EEEMCAL