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FADC Mode 10 Update

DJH implemented the changes needed for mode10 decoding to the THcShowerArray and THcShowerPlane classes in hcana (firmware_update branch). This means we can now use the SHMS pre-shower and shower calorimeters as prototypes for histogram / display / gui development.

In order to do so, we can use data from a series of special mode10 runs taken during the recent PionLT experiment (listed here [1]). The ten most recent runs (14024 - 14464) have been replayed and root files will soon be available at: /work/hallc/NPS/dhamilto/mode10

You can find the corresponding variables in the T tree: the waveform branch for the SHMS shower is called, while the variables derived from the waveforms are called something like, adcSampPulseInt, adcSampPulseTime or adcSampPed.

Instructions for replay set up

If you prefer to set up the full replay chain, brief instructions are given below:

git clone cd hcana git submodule init git submodule update git checkout firmware_update mkdir build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../ ../

You'll then need to add an $HCANA environment variable and add $HCANA/bin to $PATH and $HCANA/lib64 to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

git clone cd hallc_replay_lt git submodule init git submodule update

Editing and calling should help you set up the necessary symbolic links.

Quite a few of the mode10 runs are already on the cache disks at: /cache/mss/hallc/c-pionlt/raw