Town Meeting at DNP2012
Friday Town Meeting with NSAC Tribble Subcommittee Preceded by Thursday Mini-Town Meetings
As part of the DNP fall meeting (24-27 Oct., Newport Beach), there was an extended Town meeting on Friday evening with discussion of the activities of the NSAC subcommittee chaired by Bob Tribble. In addition, there were 4 mini-Town meetings for members of nuclear physics subfields to solicit public input, hold discussions, and prepare for the Friday meeting. The mini-Town Meetings were held Thursday evening, 25 Oct., during the time period 6-10PM. The contact persons for the 4 town meetings, corresponding to the 4 major research areas of nuclear physics. are:
Nuclear structure/astrophysics - Brad Sherrill Hadronic physics - Sebastian Kuhn RHIC physics - Paul Sorensen and Xin-Nian Wang Fund. Symmetries and Neutrinos - Alan Poon, David Hertzog, and Takeyasu Ito
The website for the mini-Town Meeting on Hadronic Physics can be found at .
All talks given at the Hadronic Physics Town meeting and the summary talk can be found at This Website
Background information for the Hadronic Physics Town Meeting at DNP2012
As indicated above, there was a 4 hour long "mini town meeting" on "Hadronic Physics" for input to the NSAC subcommittee considering the implementation of the present Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan. The meeting website is at The first hour replaced our usual "Users Group Satellite Meeting" which we hold at every APS Spring and DNP Fall meeting. The remaining 3 hours involved the broader hadronic community. The presentations can be found at This Website.
It is obvious that a strong showing of support and input from the Hadronic Physics community (and in particular the Jefferson Lab community) continues to be tremendously important. For more information, see also our page on NSAC subcommittee feedback.