Members of the User Group Board of Directors are typically elected for 2-year terms. Each year, some members rotate off and a new election is held to replace these members. Every other year, there is also an election for chair-elect. The Spring 2013 Elections have recently concluded - the winners will be announced at the upcoming [UsersMeeting]. Below are the announcements for the past election cycles - the next election will happen in Spring 2014.
Elections in Spring 2013
The following positions on the UG Board of Directors will become vacant on May 31, 2013 and will be filled by newly elected members:
- Two members at large (2-year terms). Kent Paschke and Mark Ito will have completed their 2-year terms.
- Anatoly Radyushkin (Jlab) will conclude his term as Experiment/Theory Liaison
Please exercise your right (and duty) as member of the Jefferson Lab Users Group and help elect the new members. You can also vote on a proposed change in the (informal) rules for future elections. Please go to http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/usergroup/ballot.html
Below are announcements of previous election cycles.
Elections in Spring 2012
The following positions on the UG Board of Directors will become vacant in June 2012:
- Chair Elect (1 year term; will then become the Chair for 2 years followed by 1 year as Past-Chair). Zein-Eddine Meziani will have completed his term as Past-Chair.
- Three members at large (2-year terms). Dan Carman, Kawtar Hafidi and Karl Slifer will have completed their 2-year terms.
- A member who can represent the Graduate Students working at JLab (2 year term). Rakitha Beminiwattha will rotate off the board.
- A member who can represent the Postdocs working at JLab (also a 2-year term). Aidan Kelleher will have completed his 2-year term.
The elections are now closed. The newly elected members will be announced at the June 04-06 Users' Meeting ( http://conferences.jlab.org/ugm/index.html ). Their term begins at the end of that meeting.
The following members of the board have rotated off at the end of the June 2011 Annual User Group Meeting:
- Andre Afanasev (JLab)
- Ioana Niculescu (JMU)
- Phil Cole (ISU)
They have been replaced by:
- Anatoly Radyushkin (Jlab) will become the new Experiment/Theory Liasion
- Kent Paschke (at large member)
- Mark Ito (at large member)
Sucheta Jawalkar (Student representative) graduated in Fall of 2011 and was replaced by Rakitha Beminiwattha who will complete her term (until June 2012). Zein-Eddine Meziani moved from the Chair to the Past-Chair position, and Sebastian Kuhn became Chair after finishing his term as Chair-Elect.