Nuclear Physics Day on the Hill

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The Nuclear Physics day on the hill is an annual congressional outreach event, organized by the outreach divisions and user groups from JLAB, NSCL and RHIC. Members of Congress and their staffers are often unaware of the economic and scientific impact of JLab on their state and districts. The most effective way to change this situation is to have scientists from the members district or state visit Congress. JLab users have been participating in this annual event since 2013. To ensure strong and continued support for nuclear physics research, it is essential that JLab users take an active role in communicating to members of Congress about the value of basic research in nuclear physics and the importance of supporting nuclear physics research. These visits help demonstrate the value of their support for nuclear physics and communicate the excitement and enthusiasm of the scientists. It is very important to have a wide representation from the entire JLab user community including students and post-docs. In order to improve participation, JSA has provided dedicated funds as matching support for visits by JLab users from all over the country. All of the information from previous visits is available on this wiki. We urge more users to participate in this event to help ensure continued support for nuclear physics research.

This year NP day is scheduled for April 9, 2018. Participants should register through this Google Form, which is linked to the NP DC day website. Registration is already open and its deadline is March 9, 2018. We encourage and rely on your thriving attendance!

  • New: JLab users could use this user_presentation as a handout to highlight JLab science and technology applications and their benefit to society.

The 2017 visit was organized by the former UGB Outreach Director N. Fomin ( and performed on May 22nd. For detailed information about last year DC event please visit the links below.

For any comments and/or suggestions which may help organizing 2018 and 2019 NP DC Days please contact the current UGB outreach Ddirectors Lamiaa El-Fassi ( or Or Hen (