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** Study of the K<sup>+</sup> form factor allows for probe of meson structure when s quark is substituted for a d quark.
** Study of the K<sup>+</sup> form factor allows for probe of meson structure when s quark is substituted for a d quark.
** Experiments to measure e’&pi;<sup>+</sup> and e’K<sup>+</sup> final states rely on scattering from the meson cloud surrounding the inner quark core.
** Experiments to measure e’&pi;<sup>+</sup> and e’K<sup>+</sup> final states rely on scattering from the meson cloud surrounding the inner quark core.
** At small momentum transfer (-t), the pion/kaon pole term is expected to dominate the longitudinal cross section &sigma:<sub>L</sub>, which is directly proportional to the pion/kaon charge form factor F<sub>&pi;<sub>(Q<sup>2</sup>,t)/F<sub>K</sub>(Q<sup>2</sup>,t).
** At small momentum transfer (-t), the pion/kaon pole term is expected to dominate the longitudinal cross section &sigma;<sub>L</sub>, which is directly proportional to the pion/kaon charge form factor F<sub>&pi;</sub>(Q<sup>2</sup>,t)/F<sub>K</sub>(Q<sup>2</sup>,t).
** There are drawbacks to this approach to accessing the form factors that include isolating &sigma;<sub>L</sub> and the assumption that the pion pole term dominates &sigma;<sub>L</sub> that requires theory input.
** There are drawbacks to this approach to accessing the form factors that include isolating &sigma;<sub>L</sub> and the assumption that the pion pole term dominates &sigma;<sub>L</sub> that requires theory input.
** The initial program is planned for Hall C detecting the scattered electron in the HMS and the recoiling meson in the SHMS.
** The initial program is planned for Hall C detecting the scattered electron in the HMS and the recoiling meson in the SHMS.

Revision as of 07:58, 31 July 2024

Speakers and participants, please review the guidance provided on the main page. This agenda page is editable by anyone that has a Jefferson Lab computing account. Feel free to log in and post comments, questions, or answers to questions in the section below.

Meeting Location

The 22 GeV Open Discussions will be held here:

  • Date/Time: Monday, July 29 at 12:30 PM Jefferson Lab Local Time
  • Physical Location: CEBAF Center F224/5
  • Virtual Location: Zoom Meeting Number 161 111 8017 (The password is the two-digit number that appears before "GeV" in the first sentence of this section.


  • Pion and Kaon form factors with JLab at 22 GeV (Garth Huber)

Comments and Questions

  • (add content here)

Minutes/Notes (D.S. Carman)

Local participants at JLab: 13; Remote participants: 44

  • Goal – Measure π+ and K+ charge form factors Fπ and FK. Data to increasingly higher Q2 beyond those from the old 6 GeV and current 12 GeV JLab programs, to a potential 22 GeV program, allow for improved separation between the soft and hard contributions to provide (cleaner) access to information governing hadron mass generation.
  • Presentation points:
    • The π+ form factor is the best hope of observing experimentally the QCD transition from soft to hard physics as it should occur at lower Q2 than for the proton (as the virtual photon momentum sharing is only between two quarks instead of three).
    • Study of the K+ form factor allows for probe of meson structure when s quark is substituted for a d quark.
    • Experiments to measure e’π+ and e’K+ final states rely on scattering from the meson cloud surrounding the inner quark core.
    • At small momentum transfer (-t), the pion/kaon pole term is expected to dominate the longitudinal cross section σL, which is directly proportional to the pion/kaon charge form factor Fπ(Q2,t)/FK(Q2,t).
    • There are drawbacks to this approach to accessing the form factors that include isolating σL and the assumption that the pion pole term dominates σL that requires theory input.
    • The initial program is planned for Hall C detecting the scattered electron in the HMS and the recoiling meson in the SHMS.
    • The experimental program is being considered in 2 phases. Phase 1 assumes the current HMS and SHMS but is limited to 18 GeV electrons (and Q2 < 12 GeV2) due to the momentum limitations of the spectrometers. Phase 2 assumes an upgrade of the HMS to detect higher momentum mesons to allow for 22 GeV electrons (and allow for Q2 up to 15 GeV2). It is essential to have good momentum resolution and PID in the spectrometers to reduce systematic uncertainties.
    • The program relies absolute cross section measurements at different beam energies to perform Rosenbluth σL / σT separations. The key to reduce the experimental uncertainties is to take data at a given (Q2, W, t) over the broadest possible beam energy range to allow for the largest possible spread in the virtual photon polarization parameter ε.
    • Planned measurements of Fπ and FK at the EIC have different systematics as they cannot separate σL and σT as all high energy measurements essentially take place in kinematics with ε=1.
  • Questions from discussion:
    • The assumption that σL is dominated by the pion pole term needs more consideration as the ratio of t-channel contributions to contact-term contributions is/could be very kinematics dependent. It is essential that all diagrams are included in the reaction model to reduce theoretical uncertainties on the extraction of the form factors.
    • Can Fπ and FK be reliably extracted from the unseparated cross sections as will be done in the EIC program to test/limit theoretical uncertainties?
    • The Phase 1 program at 18 GeV overlaps in Q2 with the 12 GeV program. This should be exploited in the planning to study systematic uncertainties.
    • Could the experiment be designed in such a manner to get to low enough momentum transfer -t to overlap the pion pole?
    • New LQCD calculations for π and K electroproduction are becoming available that could be relevant to reduce theoretical uncertainties on the extraction of Fπ and FK and should be considered.
    • What is meant by the transition from soft to hard QCD exactly? How can this be interpreted for the form factors vs. Q2?
    • The overlap of the planned 12 GeV and 22 GeV JLab π and K form factor measurements with EIC should be careful considered in terms of the theoretical uncertainties in the form factor extraction as the t-coverage in the different measurements is quite different. Need to elaborate on and extend comparisons/contrasts between the JLab and EIC programs.
    • What is the impact of radiative corrections on the systematic uncertainties in the measured cross sections vs. kinematics?
    • Explore experiment parameters in terms of beam energy choices and spectrometer settings to maximize range of ε points in the Rosenbluth separation. This is a key point to reduce statistical uncertainties on the σL vs. σT separation.