2023 KLF Simulations
Installing Software
The reconstruction and analysis software are built on the same software stack used for the analysis of photon beam measurements with the GlueX detector.
- You can find some general information on GlueX software and computing at this page.
- A general overview of the GlueX software can be found here.
There are a couple of different ways to install the GlueX software stack.
- You can follow these instructions to build the full software stack locally.
- Or you can run the GlueX software in a container.
Note that the GlueX software installation has been verified to work on RedHat/CentOS 7 and various Ubuntu versions - basically anywhere you can install the scons
package. Instructions exist on how to install on RedHat/CentOS 8, link to them. The software currently does not build under RedHat/CentOS 9 - you are better off running the software inside a container in this case, for now.
You can then install the KLF-specific branches using the my_halld_update.py script from the build_scripts package, and the XML configuration file given below, e.g., my_halld_update.py -x /path/to/version.klf.xml
Example version.klf.xml configuration file (Click "Expand" to the right for more details -->):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="https://halldweb.jlab.org/halld_versions/version7.xsl"?> <gversions file="version_5.11.0.xml" date="2023-06-14"> <package name="amptools" version="0.14.5"/> <package name="ccdb" version="1.06.09"/> <package name="cernlib" version="2005" word_length="64-bit"/> <package name="diracxx" version="2.0.2"/> <package name="evio" version="4.4.6"/> <package name="evtgen" version="01.07.00"/> <package name="geant4" version="10.04.p02"/> <package name="gluex_MCwrapper" version="v2.7.0"/> <package name="gluex_root_analysis" version="1.24.0" dirtag="hdr441"/> <package name="halld_recon" branch="sdobbs_klong_beam"/> <package name="halld_sim" version="4.45.0"/> <package name="hdds" version="4.15.0"/> <package name="hdgeant4" version="2.35.0" dirtag="hdr441"/> <package name="hd_utilities" version="1.45"/> <package name="hepmc" version="2.06.10"/> <package name="jana" version="0.8.2" dirtag="ccdb169"/> <package name="lapack" version="3.9.0"/> <package name="photos" version="3.61"/> <package name="rcdb" version="0.07.01"/> <package name="root" version="6.24.04"/> <package name="sqlitecpp" version="3.1.1"/> <package name="sqlite" version="3.36.0" year="2021"/> <package name="xerces-c" version="3.2.3"/> </gversions>
A version of the dedicated KLF event generator can be downloaded and installed from here https://github.com/sdobbs/KLGenerator_hddm_V3
using the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/sdobbs/KLGenerator_hddm_V3 cd KLGenerator_hddm_V3 scons install
Note that KLGenerator_hddm_V3 is installed under $HALLD_MY/bin
, so make sure that you have that directory in your PATH
Generating Events
The KLGenerator_hddm_V3 program has some good online help through the -h
For an example, let's try generating 1M KL p -> Ks p events.
KLGenerator_hddm_V3 -M100 -Fgenerated.root -Ekaon:histo:1.0:4.0 -Rkl2