KLF beamline meeting - May 29, 2024

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  • Announcements
  • Progress of CPS design (Tim, Pavel)
  • New design, construction, and installation schedule estimates (Tim)
  • Space at the lab (Tim, Eugene)
    • Need 700 sq ft general indoor storage on or off site
      200 sq ft in ESB (KFM detector check out)
      Additional 150 sq ft in lead shed
      Assume MRI magnet comes directly to hall when available
  • Recommendation #4 from ERR-1 (Moskov)
    Results of the studies
    Statement regarding the studies of KLF compatibility with MOLLER
  • Recommendation #5 from ERR-1 (Tim)
    Results of the studies
    Statement regarding thermal cycling of the targets receiving >1 KW power.
  • Any other business


Present: Mikhail, Igor