December 7th, 2016
The Agenda [attended 16 people: Moskov, Avetik, Chen, Franz, Justin, Lei, Mikhail, Nick, Paul, Volker, Kijun, Simon, Igor and three more people via phone]:
1) Our schedule for the proposal (back in time):
- We may expect that PAC will be scheduled for July.
- We have to submit our proposal 6 weeks in advance (May-June).
- It will probably take 4 weeks for the GlueX Collaboration to review (April-May).
- In March, we plan to ask Rolf for a technical review (Jim Napolitano's suggestion).
- GlueX Collab meeting is scheduled for Feb 16-18 and we have to talk about KL.
2) We have to make a conceptual design of the KL project which allows to estimate a cost of the KL (Jim Napolitano's suggestion). To do that we have to draw a Note and then ask Eugene to ask Tim to make it.
3) Put the right LH2 target and beamline into GlueX MC.
4) Simulate a few KL-induced reactions in the LH2 target and evaluate the acceptance, resolutions, background etc.
5) Simulate the interactions of the KL and n in the material of the GlueX setup.
6) Calculate the spectrum (p,theta) of the KL and n coming from the Be target.
7) Hyperon spectroscopy
-- ds/dO for KLp-->K+n (Mikhail).
-- ds/dO for KLp-->KSp (Mikhail).
-- ds/dO and Sigma for KLp-->K+Xi (Nick, Lei).
-- ds/dO for xxx ?
8) Meson spectroscopy (Volker).
9) Strange meson physics (Lei).
10) CP-violation (Moskov)
11) Status of neutron background simulations (Igor) [[1]]
12) Simulate the n-interaction in the LH2 target with the neutron flux will be reasonable.
13) RedCon issues.
14) Schedule for the next meeting - in a month (January 4th, 2017)