CPS meeting - April 22, 2022
- Announcements
- Minutes from previous meetings
- Simulation updates: New location of Converter(-50 cm). New Field Map. (Vitaly)
- Other items
Present: Hovanes, Igor, Eugene, Vitaly, Sean, Tim, Pavel, Justin, Moskov
Items from previous meetings
- Eugene looked into the issue of optimizing the flux of kaon on the hydrogen target by adjusting the angle of the photon beam with respect to the nominal beam direction. His conclusion is that there is no benefit in having a small angle between the photon and the kaon beams. He will show some plots during the next meeting.
- Vitaly compared energy depositions for two different electron beam shapes: FWHM=1.2mm and FWHM=2.5mm. He used the new field map and positioned the radiator at z=-50cm. There was no extra steering magnet. The narrow electron beam also had a narrow beam hole of 3mmx3mm, and the wide beam had a wider beam hole of 6mmx6mm. The wider beam with FWHM=2.5mm resulted in twice smaller energy deposition density at the peak in the copper core.
- The radiation dose that Vitaly sees at the entrance to the CPS assembly is 36 mrem/hr, while the "recommended" dose rate is 5mrem/hr. Still, Pavel thinks that it is manageable assuming proper administrative controls. Also, Vitaly does not have the beam pipe in the model. Pavel suggests to simulate dose rate without the radiator to see where the does rate at the entrance to the CPS comes from.
- The shift of the photon beam at the beryllium target without the corrector magnet is only 3mm with the radiator moved back to z=-50cm.
Action items
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