KLF beamline meeting - October 3, 2024

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  • Announcements
  • Detector rates from GEANT4 simulations (Richard)
  • KFM update (Mikhail)
  • Any other business


Present: Igor, Richard, Hovanes, Vitaly, Pavel, Eugene, Mikhail, Tim, Josh, Beni, Richard, Sean, Marshall, Lubomir

  • Mikhail told us that the legal team at University of York will be working on the customs paperwork, probably with some customs broker. This is vacation time for them, so there will be a short delay in this activity.
  • Hovanes asked about the equipment for the hypernuclei station at the end of the kaon beamline as the gas systems (and probably some others) will most likely need to be reviewed before ERR-II by the lab for safety. Mikhail said that they need to provide detector cooling using liquid nitrogen.
  • Tim confirmed that if the cooling system qualifies as a pressure system, a long review will be needed (this is a standard process for JLAB).
  • Josh asked if it was possible to use ~155K nitrogen vapor instead of 77K nitrogen. Mikhail will check if it would be acceptable, but he though liquid nitrogen was necessary.
  • Mikhail will prepare some material for discussion.

  • Richard presented his studies of the rates in GlueX detector with different thicknesses of the tungsten absorber in KPT. In these studies, the target was empty, meaning that the target cell was present but was filled with "vacuum".
  • Richard considered tungsten thicknesses between 10cm and 20cm. The thickness was changed with very small increments using 1000 runs with different thickness of tungsten (L=10cm+n*0.001cm, where n goes from 1 to 10000).
  • He simulated 5B gammas which corresponds to 1.2ms or nominal KLF beam time. He used x1000 scaling factor for phi-production, so the plots for kaons (or anything that comes from phi mesons) would correspond to 1.2 seconds of the nominal beam time.