KLF beamline meeting - October 10, 2024

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Revision as of 15:49, 10 October 2024 by Hovanes (talk | contribs) (→‎Minutes)
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  • Announcements
  • Bleedthrough beam (Edith)
  • K-long rate calculations (Eugene)
  • Engineering update (Tim)
  • Any other business


Present: Tim, Josh, Igor, Hovanes, Mikhail, Moskov, Eugene, Edy, Vitaly, Sashi, Lubomir, Justin, Marshall, Richard

  • Edith had a discussion with the BTeam of the accelerator division regarding the bleed-through beam during KLF.
  • The current expectation is that the bleed-through is going to be on the order of 1% from the "peak" value. If the "peak" value is 5 μA (which is the averaged current for KLF), then the bleed-through current would be 50nA. They needed more information on what is the impact of the bleed-though for KLF. And BTeam would like to have some specification on what level of bleed-through KLF can tolerate.
  • Hovanes explained that the out-of-time bleed-through fills the time interval between the 64ns bunches that was deliberately created to allow us to measure the kaon momentum. All out of time bleed-through kaons will be interpreted as low momentum kaons thus causing potential problems for physics analysis at low kaon beam energies.
  • Moskov commented that Vitaly has done some analysis of Kn final state and studied the impact of a background channel on the yield at 0.1% bleed-through level. According to the preliminary results of this analysis, the background of 0.1% would not cause major problems.
  • Moskov also mentioned that having a 128ns beam bunching may allow us to measure the impact of the bleed-through.
  • There was a discussion about the priority and the schedule for measurements needed to evaluate the compatibility of KLF and MOLLER experiment. These measurements got delayed multiple time. Edy thought that there is no plan to do it during upcoming run, but Edy will check with the injector group about their plans. Hovanes pointed out that KLF needs to have the results by this summer when we expect the next readiness review (ERR-2).

  • Mikhail presented the germanium detectors that the parasitic experiment is planning to install behind FCAL.
  • There are five modules, each of them contain six crystals. They will need to be tested in Japan.
  • Each module requires LN2 cooling from the connection on the back of the module.
  • They think they will need to refill the nitrogen once per week if they have sufficiently large dewar.
  • One of the detector modules will be installed along the beam centered on the beam axis after the emulsion box. The other four will be somehow arranged to augment photon detection acceptance. The group also is considering placing a separate target in the beam.
  • There will be plastic scintillators for charged kaon detection. Vitaly asked how the kaon will be identified. Mikhail said that charged particles will be assumed as charged kaons. Vitaly also asked if a germanium detector package could be used as the target itself. Mikhail answer was that it could , but for a different experiment that does not require hydrogen or deuterium target.
  • Eugene asked about the size of the emulsion box. According to Mikhail, the emulsion box is 30x30x30cm. The whole hypernuclear station will be placed on an additional platform behind the FCAL platform. It will need to be movable.
  • Hovanes asked about the magnet for removal of the charged particles. Mikhail said that the only concern are slow protons. They plan to use a small permanent magnet to deflect these slow protons from the beam before they reach the emulsion box.
  • There was York University has some funding for this project (≲$50K). He suggested that they can design the germanium detector setup in UK and York also could pay a technician who will be at JLAB, possibly JLAB employee. Tim commented that JLAB engineers would have to be deeply involved in the design to make sure that the setup satisfy all the safety requirements.
  • Eugene asked for a sketch or drawing with all components of the hypernuclear station with their sizes on shown on it. It would be good if the estimated weights were shown as well. Mikhail will prepare such a sketch.