KLF beamline meeting - October 17, 2024

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Revision as of 10:15, 17 October 2024 by Suleiman (talk | contribs)
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  • Announcements
  • Beam tests in 2025 and beam bleed-through (Riad, Edy)
  1. MOLLER related Beam Tests: (Note: laser is back to 249.5 MHz, need to switch to low-rep laser (need one shift))
    1. Study photocathode effects from KLong beam
    2. Deliver Hall D Low-rep Rate and High Bunch Charge Beam to Hall
  2. Hall D Bleed-through:
    1. RF bleed-through results from bad RF Separator phasing in Beam Switch Yard. This can be eliminated.
    2. Bleed-through that originates at injector because each drive laser produces some dc beam that bleeds across all three chopper slits. We measured bleed-through in injector using different lasers (Mode-Locked laser vs. Gain-Switched laser), but found the same level of bleed-through as our Gain-Switched based drive lasers. All Hall D empty RF buckets will be filled with bleed-through current from Hall D laser in addition to the bleed-through from the other lasers. Other halls worried about effect on polarization, otherwise no issues. KLong should worry about accidentals and timing. Accelerator wants a requirement document. Bleed-through can be measured in injector. We will need to submit a beam test request. KLong DAQ should also receive a 15.6 MHz timing signal from Injector.
  • FLUKA simulations (Pavel)
  • Updates from GEANT4 simulations (Richard)
  • Engineering update (Tim)
  • Any other business

