2023 KLF Simulations

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Installing Software

First, explain how to install GlueX software.

Note that the GlueX software installation has been verified to work on RedHat/CentOS 7 and various Ubuntu versions - basically anywhere you can install the `scons` package. Instructions exist on how to install on RedHat/CentOS 8, link to them. The software currently does not build under RedHat/CentOS 9 - you are better off running the software inside a container in this case, for now.

A version of the dedicated KLF event generator can be downloaded and installed from here `https://github.com/sdobbs/KLGenerator_hddm_V3` using the following commands: git clone https://github.com/sdobbs/KLGenerator_hddm_V3 cd KLGenerator_hddm_V3 scons install

Note that `KLGenerator_hddm_V3` is installed under `$HALLD_MY/bin`, so make sure that you have that directory in your `PATH`.

Generating Events

The `KLGenerator_hddm_V3` program has some good online help through the `-h` switch.

For an example, let's try generating 1M KL p -> Ks p events.

KLGenerator_hddm_V3 -M100 -Fgenerated.root -Ekaon:histo:1.0:4.0 -Rkl2