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*[https://wiki.jlab.org/pcrewiki/images/3/33/Operation_PRad_Target.pdf Target Operation procedures]
*[https://wiki.jlab.org/pcrewiki/images/3/33/Operation_PRad_Target.pdf Target Operation procedures]
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Revision as of 14:54, 4 April 2016

Shift Documentation

Shift Schedule


Hot Checkout

Beam Time Accounting

Run Spreadsheet 2016



JLab Logbooks

Short Term Schedule

PRad 2016 run, May 1st to June 1st, weekends nights.
to be added.
Beam energy ? to be added.
Important: Document all your work in the logbook!

RC: Ashot (Bluejeans info for Run Meetings on TBD )

  • (999) 123-4567
  • 9 123 4567 from Counting Room

PDL: Ashot

Run Plan for February 12 - 15, 2016:

Start close-up of the Hall at ?? on ?? , May 1 (see "General instruction" on the right)

After hall is in "Beam Permit" turn on the chicane (see "Setting up Chicane for E=2.3 GeV" under "General instructions" on the right)

Establish beam to the tagger dump (see "General instruction" on the right)

Bring beam to FC:

  1. Note: in order to have reliable readings on two important for PRad, beam current should be > ?? nA. Before moving forward with 2H02A harp scans and beam profile tune, make sure orbit lock is engaged. For orbit lock positions on 2H00(X=~0.,Y=~0.). on 2H02(X=0.4,Y=-0.7). The new positions for collimator at this beam position are: 3.94 mm at 6.198, 2.82 mm at 5.03. (?? number for PRad). Due to higher rates on halo counters we will run with 3.94 mm collimator. . All studies should be done with beam currents between 25 nA and 30 nA.
  2. The required beam profile at 2H02A harp is: X-width <~0.25 mm, Y-width <~ 0.05 mm, and the tilt angle <15 degrees. Do not west too much time on beam tune, as long as rates on the halo counters are low - Downstream L/R/T/B and HPS-L/R <~few Hz/nA, and HP-SC < few x 10 Hz, the following program still can be done:
    • Check rates on ECal - Turn ON Ecal and observe rates in modules close to the beam in Top and Bottom. If rates are too asymmetric (difference is larger than 30%) try to equalize or bring them close by moving the beam vertically from high rate module towards the low rate. Note, movement must be done according to 2H02 Y-position readings. SVT collimator must be positoned accordingly - remember BPM readings are in mm, collimator steps are in inches.
  3. Study rates on HyCal channels for (make a log entry of PRad GUI ? for each condition):
    • as a function of beam current without and with production target (4 um W).
    • for different collimators (3.94 mm, 2.82 mm, and 2.25 mm) without and with target
  4. Start trigger rates studies, establish running conditions (see instructions under "Procedures" on the documentation tab for "Trigger").
    • Take parasitic data on fast beam motion using struck scaler system. Call ? Ashot ? if it is between 8am and 10pm.
  5. If beam stability and profile are acceptable:
    • ??
    • ??

Miscellaneous Notes:

  1. ?? Do not run more than 60 minutes above 30 nA without the beam blocker in front of Faraday cup. Put beam blocker in for long running at high currents.

General Instructions:

Locking up the hall on Fridays

  • At 2pm check the status of the activities in the hall and notify RC if there are potential delays for the lockup at 3pm.
  • Work with the hall work coordinator (Doug Tilles or his designee) to make sure hall is ready for sweep at around 3pm: vacuum is good, magnet power supplies are turned ON and on remote, LCW is on.
  • Make sure experts, beamline, ECal, SVT, and slow controls, checked their systems befor the lockup.
  • When ready notify MCC to start seep and lockup of the hall.
  • Make sure all necessary monitoring GUIs are up and running.
  • Make sure beam viewer screens are up.

Acceptable Beam Conditions:

  1. To establish good beam conditions:
    • Make sure SVT is retracted and completely OFF
    • First send beam to the tagger dump (ask MCC to turn ON the tagger magnet).
    • Check that beam type is "Photon" on the BTA GUI (can be opened from "Beam" GUI).
    • Check the beam position on the tagger viewer, it should be approximately in the centre of the screen
    • Follow instructions under "Procedures" on the documentation tab for "Beamline"[1]. To tune the beam on tagger dump and perform harp scans beam current should be <10 nA.
    • Check profile using 2C21 and tagger harp scans, and compare the positions and widths with previous scans ([2],[3]). Positions on both harps should be with +/- 1mm, widths on 2C21 should be <~0.1+/-0.05 mm, and on the tagger harp (2C24) <~0.35 +/- 0.1mm.
    • Halo counters UPS-L/R and TAG-L/T/T2 should be ~few Hz/nA [4]
  2. Before sending beam to the Faraday cup
    • Check that SVT protection collimator is on beam
    • HPS target is OUT
    • SVT is OUT (position 0 mm) and voltages are OFF
    • ECal HV is OFF
  3. Send beam to the Faraday cup
  4. Follow the instructions under "Procedures" on the documentation tab for "Beamline"[5] to establish beam to the electron dump. Note: in order to have reliable readings on two important for HPS BPMs, 2H00 and 2H02, beam current should be >25 nA. All studies should be done with beam currents between 25 nA and 30 nA.
    • Ask MCC to establish 25 nA beam with HPS orbit locks on (We need HallBHPSOrb not HallBOrb configuration). For orbit lock positions on 2H00(X=~0.,Y=~0.). on 2H02(X=0.4,Y=-0.7). The new positions for collimator at this beam position are: 3.94 mm at 6.198, 2.82 mm at 5.03. Due to higher rates on halo counters we will run with 3.94 mm collimator. .
    • Tune beam profile at HPS using measured widths on 2H02A harp. The required beam profile at 2H02A harp is: X-width <~0.25 mm, Y-width <~ 0.05 mm, and the tilt angle <15 degrees.
    • Check the beam spot on chromax viewer
    • The halo counter rates before HPS must be low:
      1. UPS-L and UPS-R few Hz/nA,
      2. The tagger counters should count less than Hz/nA and downstream counters should count ~Hz/nA
      3. The halo counter rates on HPS, HPS-L/R/T/SC, depends on the collimator and HPS chicane settings, but should not be more than 100 Hz/nA [6]
    • Positions on BPMs must be close to what they were before [7]
    • Insert the 4um W target without turning off the beam.
  5. Before accepting beam, make sure all the previous conditions are met. Always read previous log entries, compare settings of BPMs and correctors with previous settings using scaler_hps GUI.

Recovering from beam trips when running SVT at 0.5 mm:

  1. SVT HV will trip off automatically
  2. Check the FSD GUI to see if high rates in the HPS halo counters generated the trip
    • If it was not an HPS halo counter trip, MCC will restore the beam as usual (following their own instructions). As soon beam is back and stable, restore SVT HV.
    • If it was an HPS halo counter trip, MCC will not restore the beam. Inform MCC that we will get back to them when we are ready for beam.
      1. Retract the SVT to its 1.5 mm stations, both top and bottom.
      2. Tell MCC we are ready for beam.
      3. Once beam is restored, confirm that both 2H02 beam positions x and y are as desired and halo counter rates are as expected.
      4. Once beam is stable for ~1 minute, restore SVT HV and the SVT to its nominal position.
      5. Resume data taking.

Every Shift:

  1. Follow run plan as outlined by RC
  2. If any concern about beam stability, ask MCC if orbit locks are on (they should be).
  3. Keep shift summary up to date in HBLOG. Record all that happens.
    • Check on white board all scalers, strip charts and monitoring plots that need to be logged regularly
    • Document any beam condition change and send scaler GUIs to HBLOG
    • Fill and submit the shift checklist in the logbook
  4. Perform 2H02A harp scan once per shift or when beam conditions have changed, based on beam monitors (BPMs, halo rates, beam-viewer)
  5. With any issue contact On-Call Experts or RC

Every Run:

  1. After "Prestart" but before "Go", Check ECal Latency
  2. After "Go": Check SVT Occupancy
  3. Update the run spreadsheet on Google Docs.
  4. See the whiteboard for everything else that should be done on a per-run basis.

CODA Instructions:

  1. First open a terminal type : ssh pradrun@prad use the username:pradrun , password: pradtocome
  2. then at home directory ,do: ~/source SourThisForCoda.csh [Enter]
  3. open a new terminal to start the msqld, do: ~/ msqld [Enter]
  4. open a new terminal to start the rcplatform, do: ~/rcplatform [Enter]
  5. open a new terminal to start the coda, do:
    • ~/codamaster [Enetr] choose "pradrun" configuration,then enable botton for et,eb,and er,then hit runcontrol.
    • in CODA Gui, hit connect button then hit configure button, then hit download,then hit prestart, then hit go button, now it should start taking data.
  6. if you re-start et , please do: ~/ rm /tmp/et_sys_PRad01 before you start the CODA.

HyCal Instructions:

  • HV must be OFF during FIRST delivery of beam to the Faraday Cup after tuning to the Tagger Dump.
    • Only after stable beam established to Faraday Cup can HV can be turned ON.
  • HV should be OFF when running beam studies with Struck scalers with 1 mm wire or tuning collimator position.

Long Term Schedule

Run Coordinator
May 01 - May 07 Ashot
May 07 - May 13 Ashot
May 13 - May 19 Ashot
May 19 - May 25 Ashot
May 25 - Jun 01 Ashot
Jun 01 - Jun 07 Ashot
Physics Division Liaison
May 1 - Jun 1 Ashot
May 01 - May 07 Ashot
May 07 - May 13 Ashot
May 13 - May 19 Ashot
May 19 - May 25 Ashot
May 25 - Jun 01 Ashot
Jun 01 - Jun 07 Ashot
May 01 - May 07 Ashot
May 07 - May 13 Ashot
May 13 - May 19 Ashot
May 19 - May 25 Ashot
May 25 - Jun 01 Ashot
Jun 01 - Jun 07 Ashot
May 01 - May 07 Ashot
May 07 - May 13 Ashot
May 13 - May 19 Ashot
May 19 - May 25 Ashot
May 25 - Jun 01 Ashot
Jun 01 - Jun 07 Ashot
May 01 - May 07 Ashot
May 07 - May 13 Ashot
May 13 - May 19 Ashot
May 19 - May 25 Ashot
May 25 - Jun 01 Ashot
Jun 01 - Jun 07 Ashot
May 1 - Jun 1 Ashot

Spring 2015 Final @ 1 GeV:





Slow Controls:

Online & Offline:

Phone Numbers

System/Person Pager/Phone Number
Run Coordinator (757) 575-7540 (cell)
Physics Div. Liaison (757) 876-1789 (cell)
MCC-OPS 7048
Crew Chief 7045
Crew Chief 9-879-3367 (cell)
Program Deputy 9-876-7997 (cell)
Gate House Guard 5822
DAQ/Online (757) 869-2188 (cell)
SVT (757) 541-7539 (cell)
ECAL (757) 810-1489 (cell)
Slow Controls (757) 748-6922 (cell)
Beamline (757) 303-3996 (cell)
Engineering (757) 748-5048
Hall-B Floor 5165
Hall-B Space Frame 5170, 5171
Hall-B Forward Carriage 5371
Hall-B Counting Room 5126, 5244, 5246, 5247
Hall-B Gas Shed 7115


