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== 2014 ==
== 2014 ==
=== May 10 ===
* <u>Talks:</u>
*# [http://www.phy.duke.edu/~cp121/LiYe0510.pdf] by '''Li''' (8 pages)
=== May 2 ===
=== May 2 ===
* <u>Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Eugene, Francois-Xavier, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Sergei, Zhihong</u>  
* <u>Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Eugene, Francois-Xavier, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Sergei, Zhihong</u>  

Revision as of 10:57, 9 May 2014

PRad phone meetings are held every Friday at 11:00 am EST.


May 10

  • Talks:
    1. [1] by Li (8 pages)

May 2

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Eugene, Francois-Xavier, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Sergei, Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Chao will implement the 1mm iron HyCal window into his simulation
    2. Sergei:
      • Start moving HyCal May 28th (on transporter or cart? Cart would be a good idea so that we can start testing it but this could interfere with work in the hall), July 9th testing
      • electronics: The old fastbus have long cables and 34 pin connectors. For Flash ADC, we will need to replace the connector by LEMO connectors (total of ~$30k), the lead time is few month so we need to order them asap. The ADC are right now used by HPS. Need to ask Volker to use the CLAS ADC.
      • DAQ: be operational in August or September at the latest.
    3. Position detector: timing will probably be to tight for the SciFi traker and too expensive. Will continue with the prototype. GEM is our main option for tracking. Dipangkar will follow up with Nilanga.
  • Talks:
    1. Q2 resolution by Ashot (9 pages)
    2. Thin Window and Vacuum Box by Gary (5 pages)
    3. Back Scattering in GEM or SFT by Chao (10 pages)
    4. Tracking by Chao (8 pages)
    5. SciFi Tracker Status by Zhihong (16 pages)
    6. Tracking by Li (4 pages)

April 25

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Eugene, Francois-Xavier, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Eugene Pasyuk joined the PRad collaboration
    2. Mahbub: Chambers will be done and shipper next week. Estimated delivery at JLab: May 7th-8th. This may change due to customs potential delays.
    3. Haiyan will send to Volker and all relevant persons the drawings of the vacuum box for a design review.
    4. Based on Chao and Li simulations, a tube connected to the vacuum box and going through HyCal is the best option for background purposes.
    5. Next collaboration meeting Friday May 23rd.
  • Talks:
    1. Updated design of the vacuum box by Gary (4 pages)
    2. Vacuum Box window simulation by Chao (7 pages)
    3. Vacuum box tube and flange simulation by Li (8 pages)
    4. New event generators for the PRad experiment by Alexander (10 pages)

April 18

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Gary, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Josh/Gary: Will need a gate valve upstream of the target chamber. HallB should have one that we can use. Gary will check carefully if we can find a large enough sheet for the vacuum box window. He will focus on the box and the flange. He will proceed by iterations with Jlab to check the design.
    2. Josh:
      • We need to provide him with the stand for the chambers so that he does not need to build a temporary one for the test. Ashot: HallB will build the stands.
      • Give him the cell size we would like. Possibility of having different cell size but the surver will no longer be valid after a swap or cells.
      • Need to give him the clearance between the cell and heavy materials.
      • Need to give him the number and type of solid target. Ashot is working on that.
    3. Haiyan will follow up with Rolf and Volker about the procurement and design review of the vacuum box.
    4. Chao: will do a simulation, just for checking, of a 25mm diameter cell, 4mm diameter opening and 3mm thick copper tube.

April 11

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Francois-Xavier, Haiyan, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Ashot: Talked to Volker, good chance we could start moving HyCal to the hall 2-3 weeks earlier than planned. Will be difficult to get a russian calorimeter expert to come to Jlab due to DOE new rule. Maybe invite him through a University.
    2. Haiyan: talked to Rolf, HallC or D engineers will help to review and advise the vacuum box design. Timeline: get the design reviewed by June and start the procurement by July.
    3. Ashot, Mahbub: will work on the extension of the MRI funds.
    4. Zhihong, Chao will setup the DAQ and start the fiber test next week. Mahbub will ask Bogdan to borrow electronics and PMT.
    5. FX: Bob Miller agreed to work on the stand of the vacuum box given he has a preliminary design of the box
    6. Mehdi: vacuum box design: target cell center is at 550cm from HyCal surface. 20cm gap for tracking detector between the vacuum box window and HyCal -> 530cm between the target center and the vacuum box window.
    7. Li will pursue his effort on vaccum box window and pipe simulation with more statistic, will add collimator.
    8. Chao is working on updating the simulation will a new beam halo parameter.

April 4

  • Participants: Alexander, Chao, Chris, Dipangkar, Francois-Xavier, Josh, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi, Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Josh:
      • Need to define empty target run: either good vacuum in the cell and chamber or same pressure in cell as in the target chamber (when hydrogen is flowing).
      • Need to define the type and number of solid targets. One solid target would be the easiest configuation.
      • Can we make the target cell diameter bigger? This would help the pressure inside the cell. Main unknown: the beam halo extension. FX is checking with Arne for a conservative and realistic estimate.
      • How far away from the cell can be accept heavy material? Answer will depend again on the beam halo.
      • Need to provide design and support structure for the pumps and chambers. Mehdi will ask Gary Swift if he can help.
    2. All: Need to provide Josh answers within two weeks.
    3. Mehdi: Will ask Huntington for the software of the 3D positioner.
    4. Zhihong: Will talk to Carlos Ayerbe about DAQ availability.

March 28

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Francois-Xavier, Li, Mehdi and Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Li: (See slide below) From his study, GEM generate low background. Also vacuum box with a pipe that runs through HyCal is a better solution than a single thin window. Need confirmation of this result with Moller events. Simulation is ongoing.
    2. Ashot presented a plot of Q2 resolution vs angle with 100 μm beam spot, 2 mm Al window and vertex uniformly distributed along the z axis (4cm total). 0.3 mm resolution tracking detector would be desirable.
    3. Mehdi: Working with Gary Swift from TUNL on the vacuum box. Will work with Bob Michael to get his feedback on the design.

March 14

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Dipangkar, Francois-Xavier, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi and Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Zhihong: Almost ready to test the fibers (Power supplies, NIM crate, Fastbus, fibers and SiPMT are on site). Asked the Jlab machine shop to produce fiber/SiPM connectors. Looking for a black box (~2m long) for a light yield test. SiPM will be from HallB and different type of fiber form HallC. An cost estimate of the detector for PRad is ~$80k + overhead and without DAQ.
    2. Dipangkar will talk to the NorthWestern group about MaPMT (16 pixels) from D0, Ashot will ask Bogdan for DAQ and other items.
    3. Li: Fixed the bug in his code. Results are shown in the presentation below. He will redo the study with an energy deposit cut in HyCal and no angle cut, similar to a level 1 trigger.

March 7

  • Participants: Alexander, Ashot, Chao, Li, Mahbub, Mehdi and Zhihong
  • Minutes:
    1. Chao and Li picked up part of the 3D positionner at NSU. One box was to big to fit in their car. They will complete the job by Tuesday.
    2. Ashot: talked to Bob and Volker, PRad is on the same footing as HPS as long as we passed the March 21st internal review with JLab management. According to Arne, the beam quality should be OK for 1-2GeV.
    3. Chao will look into the background rates due to the collimator
    4. Li will cross check his results with Chao's code to understand why the rates get smaller when the vacuum box window gets thicker. May be due to statistic.

February 28

  • Minutes:
    1. Target Chambers: Mahbub and Mehdi sent the initialed drawings back to Pfeiffer. Construction will take ~8-10 weeks. Little issue with an extra $200 shipping cost. Will ask for a separate bill in order to avoid redoing a new order at NSU.
    2. Alignment System: Delivered Monday Feb. 24th. Vina will bring it to Jlab.
    3. Coordinate Detector: Zhihong has been award of an $11k JSA Postdoctoral Fellowship. Will be used towards a XY position detector prototype (scintillating fiber). He will give a talk at the next CLAS meeting on Monday March 3rd. Seems that this type of detector is the best option (no need to be as precise as GEM (see Chao's studies), the UVA group is already very busy with SuperBigBite and SoLID) however the cost needs to be evaluated. Zhihong will contact detector engineers at Jlab as wells as at Saint Gobain. Will need help from Jlab for the electronic.
    4. Ahsot, FX and Mahbub will work on the halo monitor.

February 21

February 14

February 7

January 31

January 24

January 17