Fiber Test
From Pcrewiki
List of Fibers
Kuraray Fibers: (For Future Reference -- Fibers are given as the numbers below instead of the names)
#1, SCSF-78MSJ (2 meters, x8 pieces, 1mm-round, from Hall-D) #2, SCSF-81MJ (2 meters, x8 pieces, 1mm-round, from Hall-D) #3, SCSF-78MSJ (3 meters, x2 pieces, 1mm-round, from Kuraray, stronger) #4, SCSF-78MJ (3 meters, x2 pieces, 1mm-round, from Kuraray) #5, SCSF-78J (3 meters, x2 pieces, 1mm-square, from Kuraray) #6, SCSF-78J (3 meters, x2 pieces, 1.5mm-square, from Kuraray)
Fiber Light Yield
Fiber#1, From the Scope (05/02/2014) Media:FiberScope1.jpg