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NOTES: Defensive coordinator Vic Fangio said the chances All-Pro LB Patrick Willis plays against Houston "are better than 50-50." Willis sat out at St. Louis with a strained groin. He warmed up on the field where rehabbing players work out during the portion of practice open to reporters. ... Fangio said he disagreed with the $21,000 fine the NFL levied against safety Donte Whitner for his shoulder-to-helmet hit on Rams wide receiver Chris Givens. He also said the league instructs officials to err on the side of caution, which puts the defense at a disadvantage. "They need to err on the correct side, not on the safe side," Fangio said. "Because if it is an illegal hit, the guy will get fined on Monday or Tuesday. If you miss it as an official, that doesn't mean that it's over and done with." Whitner, who said he's legally changing his last name to Hitner, is appealing the fine.
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Latest revision as of 17:19, 30 October 2013