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27 July, 2012


- Goals and tasks - Wiki page - PWA Software


We discussed the general goals of the group and first working steps:

- Promote PWA education - Made available at JLab all the PWA software - Compare/discuss all available PWA software tools - Coordinate the study of specific channels/modes to compare tools/experiments - Promote and help in the creation of tutorials, to make PWA tools "user friendly" - Make available JLab resources to the PWA community by increasing collaboration with JLab Computing resources (GPUs...) and JLab Theory Division expertise.

Improve communication among PWA groups (worldwide). To start we created:

A wiki page at : https://wiki.jlab.org/pwawiki/index.php/Main_Page

and a e-mail list: jlab-pwa@jlab.org

(a web-forum will be created shortly).

Please feel free to use those tools of communications to exchange your ideas/tools/problems...

-Carlos Salgado