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4 hours of plenary talks and 4 hours parallel talks
List your plenary program (suggested long = 30+5, suggested short = 20+5)
List your plenary program (suggested long = 30+5, suggested short = 20+5)

Revision as of 10:13, 9 June 2017


4 hours of plenary talks and 4 hours parallel talks

List your plenary program (suggested long = 30+5, suggested short = 20+5)

List your parallel program (tally the integrated time you would like to have)

Below is a list of speakers we may wish to invite.

Session Speaker Topic
Plenary Atso Kawasuso*
Plenary Andreas Wagner*
Plenary Allen Mills* Positron Moderators
Plenary Cliff Surko
Plenary Kelvin Lynn
Plenary Speaker from KeK,(K. Wada, T. Hyodo, T. Kosuge, Y. Saito, M. Ikeda, S. Ohsawa, T. Shidara)
Parallel Bernardo Barbiellini
Parallel Ayman Hawaii
Parallel Atso Kawasuso
Parallel Ali Koyman
  • = Confirmed speaker
