JPos17 Charged Current Physics Session

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List your plenary program (suggested long = 30+5, suggested short = 20+5):


"Structure functions with e+ and e- DIS at HERA"


"What can we learn about PDFs from future e+/e- DIS?"

"Probing strangeness via charm production in CC DIS"

"Pion and kaon structure with tagged DIS" - Tanja Horn - (confirmed)

"Flavor dependence of nuclear structure functions" (Nestor Armrest)

"Spin structure (SIDIS?) with positron beams" (Alessandro Bacchetta/Werner Vogelsang/Marc Schlegel/Piet Mulders)

List your parallel program (tally the integrated time you would like to have)

"Charm production in diffractive CC DIS" ?? (Christophe Royon)