JPos17 Charged Current Physics Session
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List your plenary program (suggested long = 35+5, suggested short = 25+5):
1. Structure functions with e+ and e- DIS at HERA (35+5): Stefan Schmitt (DESY)
2. What can we learn about PDFs from future e+/e- DIS? (25+5): Jeff Owens (Florida State University)
3. Spin structure with positron beams (25+5): Charlotte Van Hulse (University of the Basque Country)
4. Flavor dependence of nuclear structure functions (25+5): Ian Cloet (Argonne National Lab)
5. Pion and kaon structure with tagged DIS (25+5): Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
6. Probing strangeness via charm production in CC DIS (25+5): TBA
[ 7. Charm production in diffractive CC DIS (25+5): ]