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Meeting notes
Data and DAQ are located and working in the opsmdaq0 machine
CODA directory structure
all directories are under /opt/idaq. All files contained here MUST be used only by EXPERTS!
- crl files or configuration files are: /opt/idaq/crl/
- scripts like epics and logentry scripts are in: /opt/coda/scripts
IDAQ user directories
There is a general directory used by idaq the user:
These are the official version files! USE THEM BUT DO NOT MODIFY THEM! If you want to do it, copy them in your personal directory. Under this general directory you will find the Analysis subdirectory where there are all these subdirectories:
CVS decoder macroes pedestalfiles rootfiles txtfiles
- decoder software for the ntuple generation (from raw data to root file). When you run it you will generate 2 files, one the root file and a txt file with a summary of the data taking conditions. They will be located in the following directories:
- rootfiles directory where all the .root files are placed. Each detector has its own subdirectory (annihilation, mott, peppo)
- txtfiles directory used to store the summary of the data taking conditions of the run
- macroes directory with the macroes for the run analysis
- pedestalfiles directory with all the fit values of the pedestal fit used in the ananlysis
- CVS directory with the previous versions of the software used. There are 2 subdirectories: decoder and macroes
There are also short cuts for the idaq user, use them, it is easy! => put a $ before the short cut name (EX. cd $ANALYSISDIR will bring you directly in the /work/idaq/analysis directory)
- IDAQDIR /work/idaq
- ANALYSISDIR /work/idaq/Analysis
- DECODERDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/decoder
- MACROESDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/macroes
- ROOTFILESDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/rootfiles
- TXTFILESDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/txtfiles
- PEDESTALFILESDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/pedestalfiles
- CVSDIR /work/idaq/Analysis/CVS
Webserver files and group disk
On the cue
Work disk and farm group
you can find the files at
ifarm1102> ls /cache/mss/accel/peppo/raw/ Annihilation_Sample_5440.dat.0 Annihilation_Sample_5776.dat.0 Annihilation_Sample_5441.dat.0 Annihilation_Sample_5778.dat.0 Annihilation_Sample_5442.dat.0