GettingStarted Using ROOT

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Getting Started Using ROOT

  • Get access to JLab computers and join the XEM group. Run the environment setup shell/cshell script:

source /group/c-xem2/software/setup.csh

  • Look at the CERN ROOT Users Guide (2018)

[ROOT User's Guide] Pay close attention to Histograms, TTree, A Little C++

  • Look at the CERN ROOT documentation for specific class objects under our specific ROOT version (currently 6.22/06)

[] Notice the v622 refers to version 6.22 (our current version of ROOT)

  • Get Hall C analyzer-specific information

[| Hall C Analysis Meeting] Not all of this information is applicable to us. We do not use a virtual machine unfortunately, just the usual JLab environment. Make sure you check out the videos too, they are more explanatory than old powerpoints.

  • Check out the getting started section of the wiki:

[| Wiki Main Page]