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Meeting Information

Meeting Place: Virtual - Bluejeans
Meeting Time: Friday, 2:30 EST
Meeting Link: Refer to the weekly reminder email or calendar event for connection information.

Meeting Minutes

Friday September 3rd, 2021

Current Tasks

Determine rate-dependent effects

- Probably want a thick carbon target to do this study.
- Study boiling analysis on thin and thick carbon target.
- May be able to get a different target with similar rates (~1.5% carbon too thin)
- No such information available for 2018 running.
- No thick carbon target on PionLT ladder.  Need to have good communication with Dave M.
- Is the deadtime of FADC250 the same the 100ns gate width problem with Cherenkov noisy tube?

Revisit boiling analysis Dataset from Dave Mack analysis (fall 2018)

- Dave noticed T5 was used to PID off of after the down in 2018 instead of T1.  Review ELOGs 
- ELOG 108

Trigger discussion:

- Only use one trigger type at a time to simplify things.
- Look into John's adaptable trigger?  Take an electron trigger and only take 3/4 when EL-REAL isn't firing.
- Need to talk to Brad about this.

EX) EL-REAL and then take 3/4 vetoed by EL-REAL If want unbiased take electron + ps + ps_factor (Accomplished now by Brad adjusting timing of triggers such that EL-REAL always comes first. That way triggers can be aligned.

Diagnostic histograms:

- Histograms aimed at pi, e, etc…
- Diagnostics for EDT, pion pre-scaling, EDTM pre-scaling, etc…
- Extra scalars and auto-analysis, e.g. of pi/e
- Boiling - thin and thick carbon (low rates - BCM offset, high rates - rate dependence). Relatively low pi/e? NEED THICK CARBON!!!! Modest xsec 
- “pion” trigger as 3/4 VETOED by “real” trigger (if fixed real trigger?) —> exclusive, lower rate (easier to ‘prescale’). EL + PION*PS —> all.  
- Need high-p optics sled, elastic scan, sieve. [dp recon AND angle, so need sieve AND elastic]
- 2018 - one trigger type at a time [EDT trigger generates fake “real” triggers]
- 2021: ? Some separate 3/4 runs PLUS some prescaled?
-  right now: adjust timing to make elreal come first

Meeting Minutes

Friday September 17th, 2021

Current Tasks

Casey showed plots on tracking with new algorithm.

- Adjust pruning cuts to enhance good track selection.
- Work on Hodo starttime plots for hcana-april2020 update
- Work on DNP meeting slides
- Remind everyone what the contamination was in 2019 data in kinematically forbidden regions.
- Get Ryan a computer account and start him working on rates for 2021
- Fixed minor bug in 4.0 GeV/c hallc_replay_XEM.  Comment on L45 of standard.database
- Adding plots of thresholds to online GUI.  Dave will be getting me the branches / etc to plot.
- The plots of thresholds will be used to check the discriminator logic for good PID selection (2018, the thresholds were too loo in the cherenkov, so they didn't do much.)

Cherenkov for 2021

- Burcu is working on the gas / gas mixture to use.
- 8 degree runs have electrons in pion sample, so hard to use.  Looking at parameters from the EMC fits of pion contamination and applying to SRC hopefully.
- Look into the gas Pion_LT is using for 8.0 GeV/c running.  Getting 7 p.e. and it'll only get worse for us at higher momentums.