GEANT4 workshop
Geant4 tutorial July 9-13, 2012
A five day hands-on course based on the use of the Geant4 toolkit will be held at Jefferson Lab on July 9-13, 2012. The tutorial will be conducted in collaboration with SLAC Geant4 developers, the IN2P3/University of Bordeaux 1 (France), Hampton University and Jefferson Lab. It will cover both high energy/nuclear physics and medical applications. The lectures will cover all aspects of the toolkit from basic installation through advanced topics, and will be interspersed with examples that build a progressively more complex application extensible to real space or medical use. This tutorial is made possible by a recent award through Jefferson Science Associates, LLC.
Registration is now open. Please visit the link below:
Based on feedback, this workshop is anticipating high attendance but with limited seating. Therefore, all participants will be required to pre-pay during the registration process to secure their seat.