2016-Jan-22 Accel. R and D Biweekly Report

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Slava Derbenev

  • Continued conceptual development of MEIC, particular helped the cooler development team in refining the cooling beam parameters
  • Continued work in unified field theory

Fanglei Lin

  • Re-establishing the beam-beam effect on the electron polarization in SLICKTRACK.
  • Continued working on establishing the electron spin tracking using ZGOUBI.
  • Discussed with nuclear physicists (and will optimize) the electron detector region optics to reduce the synchrotron radiation background.
  • Miscellaneous: preparing a journal paper about the GHOST development, prepared quarterly report, prepared abstracts for IPAC16, attended MEIC-related meetings.

Vasily Morozov

  • Ion polarization: teleconference with Anatoliy's group, translation of the DoE quarterly report, presentation at an R&D meeting, chromaticity compensation in a racetrack booster.
  • GHOST development: preparation of a journal paper on the tracking part.
  • Interaction region: optimization of interaction region lattice per nuclear physicists' request.
  • Miscellaneous: beam synchronization report, seminar committee duties, working with Amy and Guohui, translation of Slava's thesis, SBIR activities.

Amy Sy

  • * ERL for isotopes: Preparing paper for AccApp'15 proceedings.
  • * Skew PIC: Investigated dependence of particle offset and angle on initial angle, momentum offset in coupled correlated optics channel for guidance on aberration compensation.
  • * Merger: Reviewing material on COSY electron cooler merger design, preparing simulation plan for merger for JLEIC bunched beam cooler.

Guohei Wei

  • * Limit multipole survey for Final Focus Quadrupole in JLEIC ion collider ring, including systemic and random components;
  • * Method searching of magnet quality study for large-beta dipoles in JLEIC ion collider ring;
  • * Reference paper survey of magnet quality of LHC, RHIC, and Tevatron.

Yuhong Zhang

  • * Completed a quarterly report for DOE MEIC grant
  • * Organized a meeting for planning the bunched cooling experiment in China, attended teleconference, etc.
  • * Preparing slides for the next month AAC review
  • * attended various MEIC related meetings, run the R&D meeting