2016-Jun-24 Accel. Phys. Biweekly Report

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Todd Satogata

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - OPS: Pass change support, optics on call, BTeam, StayTreat talk draft
   - JLEIC: Plan/have initial ion injector integration team meeting
   - JLEIC: Write/deliver talk on bunch merge progress at R&D meeting
   - REU: Continue work with REU student on emittance error analysis
   - JACOW: Assist IPAC'17/HB'16 with SPMS problems, BoD meeting notes
   - ER@CEBAF: biweekly meeting, documentation
   - ADMIN: Start DOE BES proposal funding review
   - VACATION: Jun 16-17
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - OPS: StayTreat (Jun 28-30) including talk prep/talk, BTeam
   - ER@CEBAF: continue next steps (optics coordination with BNL)
   - JLEIC: Document/planning ion injector integration team work
   - ODU/JLEIC: Start ODU presence Thursdays, Fall class prep start
   - REU: Continue work with REU student on emittance error analysis
   - JACOW: InDiCo/SPMS project priorities to CERN, telecon
   - ADMIN: Finish DOE BES proposal funding review

Alex Bogacz

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - USPAS: Teaching at Colorado USPAS with Geoff Krafft
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - JLEIC: Synergia ramp-up for Booster SC, ramping simulations
   - OPS: StayTreat (Jun 28-30)
   - LDRD: Present/defend proposal for Booster SC studies
   - ADMIN: Invention disclosures review

David Douglas

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - Cbeta: completing CDR, participating in CDR review
   - DarkLight: optics solutions
   - ER@CEBAF: meeting, kibitzing
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - DarkLight: Finalize machine optics, check steering/tuning
   - Project E: May have to finish study on EUV aperture requirements

Ed Nissen

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - JLEIC Beam-Beam: paper research, reading re beam-beam growth mechanisms
   - JLEIC Beam-Beam: Parameterization of beam-beam growth in energy
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - JLEIC Beam-Beam: Emit growth vs working point/rigidity studies
   - JLEIC: Synergia ramp-up for Booster SC, ramping simulations
   - JLEIC: Cluster installation of Synergia (with Yves)

Chris Tennant

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - JLEIC Cooler: Penner bend merger development
   - JLEIC Cooler: S2E simulations with merger, document and summarize
   - JLEIC Cooler: Diagnostic cases for Vlasov solver
   - ADMIN: Reading up on MARIE for August light source workshop
   - ER@CEBAF: meeting, kibitzing
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - Project E: Continued simulations for aperture studies
   - Project E: Continuing to await CRADA

Randy Gamage

 Previous two weeks (June 13-24)
   - USPAS: TA for Alex / Geoff in Colorado USPAS
 Next two weeks (June 27-July 8)
   - JLEIC: Continue bunch splitting simulations
   - JLEIC: Prep/deliver ODU student seminar (July 7)