2017-Mar-03 Diagnostic Development Biweekly Report

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  • I worked on CRADAs trying to get $ in house
  • Started the review of SBIR titled CNT wires for HEP...
  • Also data acquisition for the IMP project & visa application
  • a few days leave to attend the AVS meeting in San Diego

Joe G:

  • Telecentric imager. Figured out why this imager didn’t work when we installed it in CEBAF. I&C had though that the voltage output of the illuminator was 24V. It is instead 12V. We will need about 42mA for a nice bright image with the larger 2-3/4CF viewport. This imager is really designed for this type of viewport and I believe we will need to wait till after this run so we can change out the viewport.
  • Non-telecentric imager. Works well with either viewport. Did find that the camera that we had used for radiation damage test appears to be radiation damaged.
  • GTS LDRDS. Kevin repaired the BNNT foil and we installed the fork assembly in the chamber. I’ll work on adding the other flanges to the chamber today.

Mike T:

  • I took one morning of leave on 28 Feb
  • I spent most of my past two weeks doing the following things, in approximately decreasing order of effort:
    • Finishing and transmitting the requirements for the dogleg calculator algorithms to Dennis Turner
    • Examining use cases for the dogleg calculator to ensure that operator-driven features were appropriate
    • Initiating discussions with Eugene Chudakov and Richard Jones about a prospective gamma harp for Hall D
    • Formulating test plans to demo the dogleg calculator functions G and diagnose optics issues in 2R
    • Continuing consultation with Brandi on Hall B procedures and dead-reckoning steering for CLAS12
    • Discussions with visitor Timothy Maxwell from SLAC on beam diagnostics, puzzles and solutions
    • Preparation for late March presentation to CLAS12 Collaboration Meeting