Kerr - June 23, 2016

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  • Joe added a pickoff w/Powermeter and a few Irises in order to advance the precision of our measurements.
  • I need to get a stage from Riad with around 50 mm displacement in order to measure from 0 B field to ~2.4~ kiloGauss {or however much field I can get for that matter}
  • Joe also was able to let light through the polarizer just by holding the magnets with his hand in the new set up.
  • He saw a change in power of around .002 uW which corresponds to around a .11 degree rotation. (arcsin [sqrt (0.0020/530)] = 0.11 deg.) [the 530uW is the maximum power from the laser]
  • I'm working on finding a stage from Riad to get some more numbers!