Kerr - June 6, 2016

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           Hand Magnet Measurements
  • On a smaller scale, we want to understand how the very powerful hand magnets can mimic Riad's system in terms of magnitude
  • We will eventually use our magnets to set up a mock experiment using green laser light. (Red will be more effective in the future)
  • By using a Hall effect sensor probe, I measured the field strength in kiloGauss and Gauss related to distance
  • I might have gone a little overboard by measuring every eighth of an inch up until an inch (silly Americans)
  • I measured in the center of the disk, "the off-center", and the side.
  • I included a measurement with the probe touching the magnet for every combination
  • There are three different types/sizes of magnets
  • I also combined the same type of magnets up to 4 together
  • This made for a whopping 324 data points
  • I also made a version of an inventory list and a picture of what our first mini laser experiment will look like
  • I have found some manuals for our equipment as well