PPB - Oct 28, 2020
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Meeting Info
We will meet on Wed (Mexico 10am, US 12pm, France 5pm) Bluejeans: https://bluejeans.com/164307983
- Joe - Update on spin tracking project
- Assigning spin component information to a particle (or macroparticle)
- Implementing the Bargman-Michel-Telegdi time-dependent spin-equation of motion
- Generally rate of spin motion (ds/dt) is similar to physical motion (dx/dt), but maybe consider how time steps are computed, e.g. when an adaptive time step is implemented
- Implement methods to define initial spin distribution a) internally (e.g. set sx,sy,sz of particles very useful for testing) or b) externally (e.g. to accept a distribution originating from another code like Geant4 output)
- Evaluate numerical test cases of 'pure fields' (e.g. B_perp, B_axial, E_perp, E_axial) or single elements (e.g. dipole, solenoid, e-field deflector) against analytic solutions
- Evaluate numerical test case of field map (e.g. we have ExB wien filter field maps, solenoids, cavity)
- Saving the spin component information, similar to other arrays, in output file
- Ability to display spin component (or polarization = average of sx, sy or sz) in GUI would be useful
From last meeting
- LDRD Q1 Goals (Oct-Nov-Dec)
- Identify graduate student and new hire post-doc for Q2 start date
- Develop a GPT interface to Geant4 and test spin tracking of positrons
- Review of past positron source, literature, discussions with experts
- Develop framework for simulations using analytic calculations
- Recent & upcoming meetings...
- Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (Oct 19-22)
- Jefferson Lab Accelerator Advisory Committee (Oct 20-23)
- APS Division of Nuclear Physics (Oct 29-31)