September 18, 2014 - Mott Group Meeting

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Note - this agenda was rescheduled to Sept. 25th due to alarm testing...

We will meet next on Thursday, September 18th at 1:30pm EST and in TL-2236.

Connect by Blue Jeans

1. Dial in +1 888 240 2560 (US or Canada only) 
2. Enter Meeting ID: 547248413

Wiki Page,_2014_-_Mott_Group_Meeting


1. Target Ladder Work

* Fall 2014 Mott Target Replacement and Ladder Position Re-Calibration, media:JLAB-TN-14-026.pdf

2. Beam study evaluation...

* laser: digital pulsing vs. picking - depends on Shukui, John
* 31 MHz vs. 62 MHz - because higher rep rate is better for fiber amplifier
* target/beam instrumental systematic study - to validate re-work of target positions
* target rates - helped by Dan's analyzer improvements
* DAQ rates - relies on Riad's plan

3. Dan - Summary of Spring 2014 systematic studies

* Slides