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We'll meet at 4pm EST today.  Here is the BlueJeans info.
== Blue Jeans and Wiki ==
Toll Free Phone number: 1-888-240-2560
Int'l Call Phone numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
Meeting ID: 354187098#
Web connection for desktop sharing: https://bluejeans.com/354187098
Wiki: https://wiki.jlab.org/ciswiki/index.php/April_28,_2016_-_Mott_Group_Meeting

Revision as of 15:14, 19 April 2016

We'll meet at 4pm EST today. Here is the BlueJeans info.

Blue Jeans and Wiki

Toll Free Phone number: 1-888-240-2560
Int'l Call Phone numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers
Meeting ID: 354187098#
Web connection for desktop sharing: https://bluejeans.com/354187098
Wiki: https://wiki.jlab.org/ciswiki/index.php/April_28,_2016_-_Mott_Group_Meeting