August 10, 2015 - CEBAF/LERF
There are a diverse set of tasks and beam related tests we're aiming to do at both the CEBAF and LERF injectors over the next 3 months. I reserved TL-1227 next Monday August 10 @ 1:30pm to share and discuss these. How about we go around the room hearing a ~brief update/plan on the topics listed below. Please come prepared with or upload to wiki link below any information that helps convey details, plans, beam requirements, time, etc. etc.
- Schedule and tasks media:150810_INJ_SCHEDULE.pptx
1. Joe/John - Status of CEBAF 4-laser upgrade, commissioning plans and Fall program
2. Riad - Requirements and plans for Bubble commissioning run @ CEBAF
3. Alicia/Reza/Yan - Injector group beam study plans
4. Bubba/Carlos/Shukui - Plans for recovering gun/photocathode + laser @ LERF
5. Fay/Mahmoud/Matt/Joe - Brock cavity measurements (bunch length, phase monitoring, ?)
6. Marcy/Shukui/Joe - Characterization tests of GaAs/GaAsP, DBR, Sb-cathode
7. George/Pavel - Status, requirements, plans for gallium radio-isotope test @ CEBAF
8. Joe - Mott Run II
9. What/who else am I forgetting?