GTS Improvement List - Summer 2016

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Preparation Chamber

1. Put a shield for RGA (to limit light scattering from RGA filament that causes photoemission from chamber components surface that gets coated with photocathode materials during evaporation.)

2. Redesign for anode ring to mount on a paddle with a bellow (to enable flexibility in operation.)

3. Recharge Sb boat.

4. Clean up view ports that got coated.

5. Redesign for shield paddle motion technique.

6. Add a RAV to isolate IP from chamber.

7. Add a K effusion source.

8. Redesign for top heater to operate with cathode negative bias configuration. Redesign of puck and heater stalk to hold puck by heater stalk, and eliminate need of bottom heater to serve as a transfer point. Need to use ceramic circuit breaker to electrically isolate puck.

9. Replace bottom heater with a view port.

10. Install one steel puck and one hybrid moly/steel puck.

11. Install puck with Fe foil for Kerr measurement

HV Chamber

1. Replace isolated anode feed through with a a longer one that is rated to 5000 V (but first, Gary must check for cathode magnet clearance)

2. Replace leaky gate valve.

3. Replace HV ceramic insulator.

4. Replace HV shed.

5. Move chamber front support foot backward to free space for cathode solenoid.

Magnetized Cathode Solenoid


1. Install a YAG screen on the third diagnostic cross (instead of the phosphorus screen).

2. Install slits in first and second diagnostic crosses.

3. Install a Faraday Cup for emittance measurements. Need a new picoammeter.

4. Install 4 more RadiaBeam steerers. Need Trim cards and cables.

5. Check dump ceramic break shield.

6. Degas dump further.

Enclosure and Control Room